Now it’s time to return to studies: Dr. Yunus

by times news cr

2024-09-07 10:03:39

The chief advisor of the interim government urged students to return to class and campus. Muhammad Yunus. Referring to the loss of education during the revolution, he said, ‘Your education has suffered a lot. So now it’s time to get back to studying. Schools, colleges and universities have been opened. I urge you to go back to your classes and campus. Because we need a well-educated and skilled generation to take home the benefits of the revolution.’

On the occasion of the one month anniversary of the mass uprising of the students on Thursday (September 5), the chief advisor of the interim government. Muhammad Yunus made this call in a message.

Read: Building the New Bangladesh of Dreams: Chief Advisor

The Awami League government collapsed on August 5 in the face of the student uprising. Then on August 8 Nobel laureate economist Dr. An interim government was formed with Muhammad Yunus as the chief adviser. Thursday (September 5) marked one month of the student uprising.

In the message, the chief adviser paid deep respect to the brave youth, laborers, day laborers, journalists and other professionals who died in the uprising of the students. At the same time saluted the injured. He said, ‘I am committed to fulfilling the dream that our young revolutionaries have awakened in the minds of the people of the country to build a new Bangladesh. Inspired by the martyrs’ sacrifice, we want to change the course of history. I want to start a new era.’

In the message, the Chief Adviser said, ‘Today we are celebrating the first month of Bangladesh’s second independence. Hundreds of students and people from all walks of life made the supreme sacrifice for one of the most glorious revolutions in history. They ended the 15-year dictatorship of the fascist Sheikh Hasina, led by a brutal genocide. Sheikh Hasina fled the country leaving behind a corrupt state and a fragile economy. It is our responsibility to establish our Bangladesh in its full glory.

Dr. to the youth. Muhammad Yunus said, ‘You took an oath to fulfill your dreams. Your dreams painted on the walls of cities and rural towns are still standing before us with colorful decorations. During the revolution, you quit your studies, spend sleepless nights worrying about your friends, and take to the streets by day to resist the brutal regime, saying goodbye to each other forever. After the revolution ended, you guarded the country’s religious minorities and their places of worship and took on the responsibility of managing traffic across the country. Your studies have suffered a lot. So now it’s time to get back to studying.’

Dr. Yunus said, it has been a month since the interim government took over. Nevertheless, the government initiated important reforms to achieve the real goals of the revolution. The first task is to ensure justice and accountability for the killings of July and August. The UN Human Rights Office has been invited to conduct an independent and impartial UN-led inquiry into the genocide. They came to this country and started their work. He also spoke to top international legal experts in July and August with the aim of creating an international standard tribunal to try those accused of crimes against humanity.

He said, ‘We want to extradite the murderers and bring back to the country the amount of money embezzled by corrupt individuals, politicians and bureaucrats during the dictatorship. For this reason, I have started talking with specialist organizations.’

The chief adviser said that one of their main responsibilities was to ensure free treatment of thousands of people who were seriously injured during the revolution. Scores of young students have lost their sight as miscreants in Hasina fired rubber bullets at their eyes. The government will try hard to restore the light of their eyes. They are continuously working to prepare the complete list of martyrs and injured. The main list is done. Now only those whose dead bodies have been taken far away, the information is being collected and the information is being given completeness. Hundreds of injured people who need long-term treatment, expensive treatment and a foundation to look after the families of the martyrs are in the final stages.

He said, ‘We will never forget those whose martyrdom gave birth to new Bangladesh.’

Referring to the signing of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, the Chief Adviser said it had resulted in an international commitment to end the ‘culture of disappearance’ established by dictatorships. Separately, a commission was set up to investigate every case of disappearance during the 15 years of fascist rule. They (the government) sympathize with the families who have been waiting in agony for years to find their missing fathers, husbands, sons and brothers. Mirrors have been closed. Soon you will know about the pain and suffering of the missing siblings.

In his address to the nation at the end of last month, the chief adviser said that he would present a report on the important reforms that the government has taken so far. Yunus. He said, they are continuously meeting with political parties, editors, business leaders, civil society leaders and diplomats. They (political parties) supported reform initiatives. Overwhelmed by the overwhelming support from foreign friends as well. Brave and patriotic expatriates are also engaged in efforts to rebuild the nation. He sincerely thanked them all.

Chief Adviser expressed gratitude to every family of martyrs and injured persons. He said that all the family members of the martyrs will be invited to the capital. Will meet them in a few days. Dr. Muhammad Yunus said, ‘I want to assure them that we will never betray the dreams of the martyrs.’

Muhammad Yunus said, ‘We are moving forward. Our big challenge now is to heal the wounds caused by misrule and dictatorship. For this we need unity and coordination. We all vowed that the blood of the martyrs and the sacrifice of the wounded brothers and sisters would never fail us as a nation. We will never miss the opportunity they have created for us. Today, on their memorable day, I promised again that we will build the new Bangladesh of their dreams.

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