Now Renzi pushes Letta to NATO: “Excellent name”. And he doesn’t say how much he earned from the Russian-Italian company Delimobil-Video

by time news

“My relations with Putin? What we did when we were in government is there for all to see “. Matteo Renziin Milan for the presentation of the book-interview by Alessandro Sallusti a Luca Palamara“Lobby & Logge”, urged by journalists, intervenes on the issue of the war in Ukraine, also responding to Salvini who claims that the relationship between the leader of Italia Viva and the head of the Kremlin are stronger than his own: “Since I think it is not worth the worth arguing with Salvini about this – added Renzi – I find that in this moment in which the shooting is taking place, the priority is to discuss how to facilitate the ceasefire and to resume a diplomatic solution, which is absolutely necessary “.

By proposing Angela Merkel as a “special envoy” capable of speaking both for the European Union and for NATO, the former prime minister also argues that Enrico Letta’s “would be an excellent name” as a possible candidate for secretary of the Then for the after Stoltenberg. “It would be nice if there was an Italian. Letta was Prime Minister, he has a recognized experience in this sector ”, he underlined.

With regard to his relations with Russia and his resignation, which occurred at the same time as Putin’s attack on Ukraine, from the board of directors of Delimobil, the largest Russian car-sharing service company, Renzi was anxious to specify that he was treated as a “signal”, a gesture of “respect and attention”. When the news of Renzi’s appointment to the board of directors of Delimobil was spread, the remuneration received by the former prime minister was not disclosed. The newspapers had explained that the entire board received the equivalent of one million euros in total. Precisely because of his entry into the board of Delimobil, last autumn the leader of Italia Viva was accused by the Pd and Movimento 5 stelle of a conflict of interest with his role as senator.

No answer, however, on how much he earned from this position. “The figures are public”, he cuts short, referring to the tax return that, by law, the parliamentarian makes public. But, having joined the board of directors last August, the figures will be known in several months. At the moment, in fact, the latest declaration is that of 2021 which refers to the income from the previous year.

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