Nuclear: Emmanuel Macron brings together a council for an accelerated recovery of the sector

by time news

A year after the turning point desired by the Head of State, Emmanuel Macron meets this Friday his “cockpit” of nuclear policy to keep “the course” and the pace of the accelerated recovery of the sector. This nuclear policy council is being held in the morning at the Élysée with Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, several ministers and representatives of the Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) and the Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).

On February 10, 2022 in Belfort, the president, then campaigning for his re-election, had defined an energy policy which devoted his change of footing to civilian nuclear power, with this vast recovery plan, as well as the development of renewables, and a greater great sobriety. Since then, the adoption of a bill to develop renewable energies is on track in Parliament, and the Senate voted in first reading a text to accelerate and simplify the construction of new reactors.

2023, a crucial year for energy

This Friday’s council is therefore a stepping stone to respect, precisely, the timetable for the promised construction of six new reactors and small reactors of the SMR type. “Arbitrations” and “orientations” are expected at the end of the meeting. “Work” and “studies” must also be launched so that the government can decide on the extension of the life of existing reactors from 40 to 60 years, as requested by the operator EDF.

A presidential adviser mentioned a “mobilization issue” of all the players in the sector to ensure that the deadlines will be met. And this is a big issue. The year 2023 is crucial for the energy future of France, which must enshrine in law the share allocated to each energy, and in particular nuclear, to get out of fossil fuels and achieve carbon neutrality in 2050.

Some in the opposition were also offended by this presidential council before the end of the current public debate on the energy system of tomorrow. “The President of the Republic is trampling on the parliamentary debate”, protested the Socialist deputies in a press release, affirming that “it is up to Parliament to determine sovereignly the future energy mix of France”.

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