Nude photo shoot near an ancient tree; Indonesia expels couple

by time news

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Dapanan District is located in Bali, Indonesia. Local government officials say Alina Fazliva, a social networking celebrity, and her husband will be expelled from Bali for posing nude near a 700-year-old banyan tree at a famous temple here.

They explained that taking a nude photo near a tree that is considered sacred is against local culture. Alina shared a nude photo taken by her husband Andre Fazley on Instagram, which went viral. This has angered the Pali people.

According to Pali Hindu culture, mountains, trees and other natural resources are considered sacred. These people believe that God exists in natural resources.

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Speaking to reporters, Pali Immigration Minister Jamaruli Manihuruk said, “It has been proven that both the husband and wife acted in a manner that disturbed the public peace and disregarded the local rules. Therefore, an eviction order will be issued for them.”

They will be banned from coming to Indonesia for at least six months. In addition, they are expected to attend a cleansing ceremony in the area, which is considered sacred by the local people. “

Alina apologized for taking nude photos on Instagram, posting, “There are many sacred places in Bali. Signs are not placed to indicate that it is sacred. It is very important to treat these places and traditions with respect. I have made a mistake.”


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