Number of beneficiaries, amounts allocated, poverty rate… the RSA in 7 key figures

by time news

2023-09-29 07:09:38

Published on September 29, 2023 at 6:07 a.m. Updated on September 29, 2023 at 7:09 a.m.

This is one of the most criticized points of the “full employment” bill. The reform of active solidarity income (RSA) took a new step on Thursday in the Assembly.

The right and the presidential camp have agreed on a minimum of 15 hours of compulsory activities for RSA beneficiaries, with exceptions. How many French people benefit from this social minimum? For what amount? How much does this expense cost?

The Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Drees) is publishing its overview of “Social Minima and Social Benefits” this Friday. The opportunity to come back to the RSA, in seven key figures.

· 1.89 million households affected

First lesson from the Drees: including spouses and dependent children, 6.9 million people were covered by social minima at the end of 2021. Overall, one in ten people is therefore affected in mainland France. This proportion rises to three people in ten in the overseas departments and regions (DROM), excluding Mayotte.

A total of 4.34 million (+0.4% in 2022) people benefit from a social minimum. The RSA alone brought together, at the end of 2022, 1.89 million households, a drop of 2.3% in one year.

· 12 billion euros

In 2021, expenses linked to the payment of social minima fell by 3.1%, in constant euros, neutralizing the effect of inflation. They reach 29.9 billion euros, an amount which represents 1.2% of France’s gross domestic product.

In detail, the RSA constitutes the first system in terms of staff (44.7%), but also expenses (41%). The amount of allocations paid in this respect amounts to 12.3 billion euros, or 0.5% of GDP.

· 608 euros maximum

The maximum monthly amount of social minima depends on the benefits. It varies, in September 2023, for a single person without children, from 207 euros for a beneficiary of the asylum seeker allowance (ADA), to 971 euros for a beneficiary of the disabled adult allowance (AAH). It is also 608 euros for an RSA beneficiary. For a couple with a child this amount will be 911.63 euros. In the event of an increase for isolation, it amounts to 1,040.57 euros.

Over the long term, RSA beneficiaries have gained purchasing power. Between 1990 and 2023, the RSA purchasing power scale increased by 9%. The increase is much more marked for the minimum wage (+33%) and for the AAH (+26%).

· 75% poverty rate

If half of the population in mainland France lived on less than 1,770 euros per month in 2018, beneficiaries of a social minimum live on much less. Their median standard of living is 940 euros. Their poverty rate is 62%, compared to 15% for the entire population.

However, strong disparities exist from one social minimum to another. Thus, half of the members of AAH beneficiary households have a standard of living above 1,240 euros per month, compared to 860 euros in the case of the RSA. The poverty rate for AAH beneficiaries is 31%, but reaches 75% among RSA beneficiaries.

“This is explained by the fact that the amount of the RSA remains very far from the poverty threshold,” notes Drees. As a reminder, the poverty threshold is set at 60% of the median standard of living of the population. It corresponds to a disposable income of 1,102 euros per month for a person living alone.

· 10 euros

After payment of these compulsory or pre-committed expenses – such as rent, loan repayments or insurance – the monthly standard of living is less than 470 euros for half of the members of RSA beneficiary households.

In particular, after payment of compulsory expenses, less than 10 euros per day per consumption unit remains for a quarter of the members of RSA beneficiary households.

· 41% returns

Another lesson from the Drees: beneficiaries of social minimums struggle to break away from them. This is particularly the case for RSA beneficiaries. If a quarter of them leave the social minimum from one end of the year to the next, many return.

Thus, among RSA beneficiaries aged 35 to 64 at the end of 2021, 41% left the social minimum at least once during the previous ten years, then returned. 10% even experienced at least two exits and two entries, notes Drees.

· 98% of beneficiaries subject to rights and duties

At the end of 2021, 98% of beneficiaries were concerned by the “rights and duties” associated with this service, notes Drees. Clearly, they have the right to support and are required to take integration steps: 86% have also been referred to a support organization.

In addition, 38% of beneficiaries were registered with Pôle emploi. Their support was more intensive than that of all those registered: 23% benefited from reinforced support (compared to 15%) and 5% from comprehensive support (compared to 1%).

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