Number of families illegally crossing the US border breaks record

by time news

2023-09-02 09:01:14

There were at least 91,000 migrants, an amount that exceeds the 84,400 of May 2019, still during the administration of Donald Trump

The number of people detained trying to enter the United States through the Mexican border accompanied by family members reached the highest number ever recorded in a month in August. There were at least 91 thousand migrants in this demographic group, an amount that exceeds the 84.4 thousand of May 2019, still during the administration of Donald Trump.

The data also show that the total number of migrants detained at the border in the month exceeded 177,000, which represents an increase of more than 30% compared to July, which had 132,600 detainees. These, in turn, also represented another increase of about 30% compared to June, when 99,500 sought this route and were stopped by authorities and border patrols.

People accompanied by the family also became the most apprehended group, surpassing adults alone since the beginning of Joe Biden’s government. The Democrat campaigned and took office promising a more humane approach to immigration; in practice, however, it maintained some rules imposed by Trump, his predecessor and opponent.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Republican administration created the so-called Title 42, which allowed the expulsion of migrants before they could apply for asylum, on the grounds that the entry of these people would be a health risk to the country.

The rule was overturned in May of this year, not without resistance from mostly republican states, which sought Justice against the end of regulation, but the Biden administration created new rules that aim to make it difficult for people in an irregular situation to enter.

According to the rule in force, any immigrant who tries to enter the country irregularly —that is, without the necessary documentation and outside the official routes and channels available to file an application for entry is automatically considered ineligible for granting asylum. The immigrant in these conditions also needs to prove that he tried to obtain asylum in another country and had these requests denied before crossing the American border.

According to Erin Heeter, a spokeswoman for the US Department of Homeland Security, the government is trying to slow down the flow of so-called illegal entries and toughen penalties while expanding options accepted by the courts. “Each year, however, the US sees seasonal ebbs and flows of immigrants and human smugglers who use disinformation to encourage cross-border movement,” says Heeter.


The spokeswoman also claims that the government increased the number of flights to deport families in August, adding that since May it has repatriated more than 17,000 parents and children who crossed the border in a family group.

The issue has been a central element of election campaigns at least since Trump ran for office with bravado such as that he would build a border wall, something that has strong appeal especially among the Republican electorate.

“When Biden came in and scrapped all of Trump’s policies and rolled out a welcome mat for the whole world saying the border is open, all of a sudden chaos broke out,” said Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican. large increase in recent years of the flow of migrants.

The first debate for the nomination of the Republican Party to the vacancy in the presidential race against Joe Biden Trump did not attend – it demonstrates the relevance and at the same time the solidity of the subject among republicans.


The tightening of migration policies was unanimous among the pre-candidates. Vivek Ramaswany, himself the son of Indian immigrants and a highlight of the debate, has as one of his campaign mottos the phrase “an open border is not a border”.

#Number #families #illegally #crossing #border #breaks #record

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