Number that hurts: poverty rose to 43.7% according to the Di Tella University 2024-02-15 18:56:00

by time news

The poverty rate reached 43.7% in the August 2023-January 2024 semester, the highest index since 2020, according to the nowcast prepared by the Di Tella University.

“The projected incidence is a weighted average of a poverty rate estimated at 38.4% for the two-month period August-September 2023, 46.3% for the fourth quarter of 2023 and 46.8% for January 2024” indicates the report prepared Martín González-Rozada.

The Total Basic Basket (CBT) The average for the Greater Buenos Aires (GBA) region for the reference semester was estimated at $131,202 per equivalent adult. “This is a year-on-year increase of 186.3%. For the average total family income (ITF), an interannual increase of 160.2% was projected for the semester,” the text clarifies.

How much does a family need to be middle class in CABA?

The poverty rate was projected with these data and the simulation of the microdata of the Permanent Household Survey (EPH) of the third and fourth quarter of 2023 and the first quarter of 2024 (January).

“This projection suggests that About 44% of people live in poor urban households. The urban population captured by the EPH in the reference semester was estimated at 29.4 million people, which implies that around 12.9 million live in poor urban households,” according to the report.


Poverty and indigence lines in January 2024

According to INDEC, the cost of Basic Food Basket (CBA) rose 18.6% in Januarywhile the Total Basic Basket (CBT) increased by 20.4% in the first month of 2024.

In this way, a family of four, composed of two adults and two minors, needed to earn income greater than $285,561 so as not to be in a situation of indigence already $596.823 so as not to fall below the margin of poverty. It should be noted that, in the sum, it is not included, for example, renting a home.

Both percentage increases were below the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for January, also released this Wednesday, which was 20.6%.

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2024-02-15 18:56:00

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