Numerologist explained why it is difficult for people to find their path in life on their own » News from Belarus – latest news for today

by time news

2023-10-06 14:52:56


Often people do not live their lives, go in the wrong direction, do not listen to real needs and do not succeed in any aspect of life. It’s not destiny, as most people might say. This is the inability to go your own way and ignorance of your destiny.

RBC-Ukraine (Styler project), based on information from numerologist Veronika Leonchikova, tells why it is so difficult for people to find their own path in life.

Why is it difficult for people to find their way on their own?

Numerology is a separate science that, thanks to deciphering numbers, can heal a person and change his life. Or point us in the right direction, because it’s not for nothing that we are born on different dates and years.

The fact is that we often do not understand the importance of recognizing our purpose. And each of us has it and it is given precisely by numbers, or rather, by the date of birth.

Veronica notes that our date of birth is not just a set of numbers, it is the potential with which we came into this life, and it needs to be recognized and identified.

“Watching people, I see that they mostly struggle where it is useless. That is, people try to improve something that they basically don’t have, and often spend years on it. A person struggles like a fish on ice, trying to make something for which it is, in principle, not intended. It’s like trying to swim across the ocean, you seem to know how to swim, but your strength runs out quickly. This metaphor can also be translated to the type of activity to which you devote many years, but there is no benefit and you stand still,” explains the numerologist.

Veronica added that this happens in life too. Many people dig where they don’t need to. This happens because they have lost their way, someone imposed something on them at one time, but they did not feel or hear themselves. That’s why they didn’t go their own way.

Because of this trend, burnout, apathy, anxiety and loss of strength occur. It seems like you are always going somewhere, but there is no point.

How can you feel that a person is not on his way?

The numerologist also notes that when a person does not have vitality and energy, it is difficult for him to move from a dead point and does not manage to go into new experiences. A person in this state is only able to do monotonous work and live a routine life, since this is already his comfort zone.

In this state there is no internal fire, excitement, transformation and inspiration; many people are familiar with this feeling. Due to ignorance of your path, you remain in this state.

That is why, if you are unhappy with the life you live and put a lot of effort into your comfort, but everything seems to be useless – find out what your purpose is and choose your path at the level of sensations.

Yes, it is always risky and scary, but it is when we step over our fears that we reach a new level. And this applies to all aspects of our lives.

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