Numerous supports for Professor Raoult and the IHU-Méditerranée team

by time news

2023-05-30 21:15:00

SCIENCE/HEALTH – After the publication of a retrospective study Who demonstrates the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in the early treatment of Covid-19, Professor Raoult is the subject of a new slingshot. The attacks come in particular from learned societies, forums and opinions relayed by the mainstream media. Their angle of attack: the IHU-Méditerranée would have used the patients “like publishing flesh” (sic), various essays “wild” would have been carried out within the public establishment, then directed by Professor Raoult. The writing of France-Evening decided to give the floor to several personalities who wished to react and support Professor Raoult. Among them, Professor Christian Perronne (watch his video interviewlisted below) or health anthropologist Jean-Dominique Michel (watch his video interviewquoted below).

  • Support from Dr Véronique Rogez, general practitioner in Noyon

Reached by telephone, Doctor Véronique Rogez, general practitioner in Noyon, would like to thank Doctor Raoult, who takes the blows for all doctors deprived of their freedom to prescribe or who have dared to criticize health policy.

  • Support from Dr Grégory Pamat, general practitioner (Maubeuge hospital center)

Doctor Grégory Pamat, general practitioner at the Maubeuge hospital center, underlines the audacity of the detractors of Pr Raoult. Those who denounce the studies carried out at the IHU are indeed the first supporters of mRNA vaccines, which do not benefit from any hindsight and have been inoculated into hundreds of millions of people, in the most complete haste.

  • A close collaborator of Didier Raoult at the IHU-Méditerranée testifies

Other support for Professor Raoult, a member of the IHU-Méditerranée, who preferred to speak anonymously.

France-Soir: Why so many attacks against Professor Raoult and the IHU-Méditerranée?

A member of the IHU-Méditerranée: People who criticize, they criticize the form and not the substance. The bottom remains the most important. Look at the number of people we received at the IHU. There is all the data available with this study, we are not lying. We were told in the past that we were lying, so we had this data noted by a bailiff. Just look, we have 95-year-old people, we chose patients who were refused intensive care. So that means we didn’t take the easy way out. If we did this study, it is because we are sure of the method used. We have nothing to reproach ourselves for. Quite the contrary. It is impossible to camouflage these results or to tamper with them: the raw data is unassailable. On the side of the detractors, it’s only buzz, it will be “pshiiit” in a few days. It’s just for a media stunt. Even Le Point magazine recently made a ranking of the best health establishments in France and we are in it. All these attacks are just for diversion.

FS: Diversion, in relation to what subject?

A member of the IHU: Because it bothers some people that we are right… The real question is who benefits? We talk about the “harcelosphere” (group that harassed IHU-Méditerranée, editor’s note). Justice should ask the question of who puts forward. No prosecutor is interested in it. Didier Raoult, some have accused him of everything, including being treated as an anti-Semite… It’s a diversion. They don’t want to talk about the bottom. We are sure of our data, we have shown it with the study. The numbers are very good, inevitably. We had the figures validated by bailiffs, they are secure. This approach protects us. The journalist from France Télévision, Mrs. Sapena said that the results had been changed: it is false and the bailiff noticed it.

FS: He is also accused of having used hydroxychloroquine without marketing authorization…

A member of the IHU: Each doctor uses off-label drugs, we have papers from the High Health Authority (HAS) which says that the IHU could prescribe, even the HAS confirmed it, for hydroxychloroquine. So this case can’t go far.

FS: Why do many doctors share this point of view, but do not want to express themselves publicly?

A member of the IHU: The doctors are afraid, they are under pressure! We’re not all warriors (laughs). For 3 years, as soon as someone gave his point of view, he received letters, and was targeted by denunciation, etc. The problem is that this small group of harassers, the famous harcelosphere, writes to institutions, denigrates, insults, slanders… Just look at “Sonic Urtican” who brags about it on Twitter. This person, Guillaume Limousin of his real name, has developed a protocol of harassment with institutions, companies. He gave instructions for harassing people who disagree with him! It is unreasonable and it has been brought to light by your newspaper. It’s not normal to let people who have this kind of behavior and brag about it like that openly. René Chiche, a teacher, was bothered like that in the same way. That’s why doctors don’t rise up, because they’re afraid. In fact, the harcelosphere is made up of the worst doctors. Those who are at the very bottom of the rankings. This is what we found when we consulted who made up this small group. They are obviously embittered people, who are disgusted, ready for anything.

FS: Are there any political implications?

I don’t comment on this. We can note a fight between the Véran clan and the Buzyn clan. Because there is one who will have big problems, when the truth will come out in some time… No one wants to be guilty, of course… People have to be aware of all that. What is unbearable for us is the loss of time that all this has caused, even if in the end, we are right. It takes a lot of time to respond to all these organized attacks, you have to make press releases, legal proceedings… A fortiori against wacky, even twisted strangers, unknown to the battalion of science and medicine… Who are there brilliant among fake meds (small group that attacked Pr Raoult and L’IHU-Méditerranée, editor’s note)? The least missed is Mathieu Molimard (professor at CHU-Bordeaux, editor’s note). The others don’t even have general practitioner status, there are CAP teachers, technicians… But they are used by people who are a little smarter. So you have to look at who uses them behind. You have to follow the money trail. Cahuzac, at the time, had been paid by the pharmaceutical industry. We tend to forget that. In any case, because of their recent attacks, they gave us a great platform. No one will be able to ignore or challenge our data anymore!

  • Support from Professor Christian Perronne

Christian Perronne was among the first medical luminaries to apply the medical protocol developed by Professor Raoult against Covid-19. The teacher thinks “many lives could have been saved” with early treatments and invites patients who have suffered a loss of chance “to regroup”. According to him, “Early treatments for Covid work, you have to be blind or corrupt not to see it”.

  • Support from health anthropologist Jean-Dominique Michel

Similarly, Jean-Dominique Michel gave his unconditional support to Professor Raoult. He was committed against the political and administrative mismanagement of SARS-CoV-2 from the start of the crisis. Given the demonstrated efficacy of early treatment of “unmistakable way” over there “publication of the IHU”while the only solutions provided were deprivation of freedoms and the “all-vaccine”, his conviction is expressed as follows: “Tens of thousands of people who could be treated and saved were left to die by deprivation of care.”

  • Other support for Professor Raoult and the IHU-Méditerranée team will soon be expressed in our columns.

#Numerous #supports #Professor #Raoult #IHUMéditerranée #team

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