Nupes deputies deplore the adoption of an amendment co-signed by the RN and the majority

by time news

They denounce a “serious first”. Environmental, socialist and rebellious deputies protested this Thursday against the adoption of an amendment co-signed by elected RN and MoDem, and sub-amended by others from the majority, denouncing a “tipping point”.

During the examination of the bill on the preparation of the Olympic Games, the deputy RN Aurélien Lopez-Liguori defended an amendment, which he affirmed to present not as a deputy RN but as “president of the group of Assembly study on digital security and sovereignty”.

The amendment, which intends to prioritize the use of European companies in the contested exploitation of video surveillance images via algorithms, was co-signed in particular by the majority deputy Philippe Latombe (MoDem) and by the deputy Christophe Naegelen, of the independent group Liot.

Passed without government opposition

It was then sub-amended by elected officials Éric Bothorel (Renaissance), Vincent Thiébaut (Horizons) and Laurent Croizier (MoDem), all members of the same study group, before being adopted without the government getting involved. opposite.

“I think this is the first time, a transpartisan majority amendment with the National Rally. Aren’t you ashamed Mr. Latombe? “, launched in the hemicycle the ecologist deputy Jérémie Iordanoff. “I am outraged. We are on a drift of this majority which no longer knows where it is going. I am worried about the continuation of this mandate. Pull yourself together, ”continued the deputy.

“It is no longer a rampart facing the extreme right but a staircase! »

A little later it was his colleague Benjamin Lucas who denounced during a point of order an “event that could be described as a tipping point in the history of our hemicycle and our Republic”. But the session president Naïma Moutchou interrupted her speech, arguing that it was not a reminder of the Assembly’s rules of procedure.

The MoDem Erwann Balannant began to answer him that he understood “the excitement”. “When pressing (to vote, editor’s note) I had a question. There is a certain moment the study groups, they make it possible to move forward on subjects, ”he continued before having to interrupt.

The relative majority signs and adopts a “transpartisan amendment of the extreme right! This is a serious first! Is this therefore the widening of the majority desired by the President of the Republic yesterday? “Reacted the group of socialist deputies on Twitter.

“A new level has been crossed, a transpartisan amendment has been co-signed between the RN, Renaissance, Horizon and the Modem! It is no longer a rampart facing the extreme right but a staircase! “, also denounced on Twitter the rebellious Ugo Bernalicis.

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