Nupes launched its campaign in Aubervilliers, Jean-Luc Mélenchon salutes “the historical depth” of the alliance on the left

by time news
Jean-Luc Mélenchon during his speech in Aubervilliers, at the launch of the Nupes, Saturday May 7.

La Nupes, let’s go. The New Popular Ecological and Social Union, bringing together the left-wing parties which have reached an agreement for the legislative elections of June 12 and 19, launched its campaign on Saturday May 7 in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis).

In turn, the leader of the “rebellious”, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and the socialist, environmentalist and communist bosses – Olivier Faure, Julien Bayou and Fabien Roussel – celebrated this alliance “historical” in front of several hundred people. After two hours of speeches, Mr. Mélenchon closed this campaign launch by rejoicing in “the historical depth of what [la Nupes est] realizing ». For the deputy of Bouches-du-Rhône, “We are in the process of writing a page in the political history of France. And because we are writing this page in this way, we can claim to be writing a page in the history of France”.

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“It is the first time in twenty-five years that a general agreement has been reached between all the forces of the traditional left, environmentalists and the youngest, the “rebellious””continued Mr. Mélenchon, before evoking the dissensions of recent years between the parties: “We had to lose the thread and have to weave it again so that, under our responsibility, we succeeded. “What had not been done either by the leftist cartels, or by the Popular Front, or by May 68, or by the common program, we did it”he launched under the cheers of the activists present.

Several hundred people were present on Saturday May 7 in Aubervilliers for the launch of the Nupes. Several hundred people were present on Saturday May 7 in Aubervilliers for the launch of the Nupes.

The founder of La France insoumise also returned to the thirteen days of discussion to reach an agreement between the various left-wing parties. “Some found the soap opera a bit long, but precisely what they didn’t understand was that it wasn’t a soap opera: it was a story. And then, we can compare ourselves »he said, referring to left-wing party agreements elsewhere in Europe: “In Germany it took eight months the first time, six months the second, in Belgium a year and a half, and in Spain three elections. And we, thirteen days. I consider it a world record. »

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Minimum wage increase

After greeting the litter “historical” of this agreement, Mr. Mélenchon continued his speech by developing the objectives of Nupes.

“Inequality weakens societies and this is the main criticism we make of it because we must now build the deep, moral, philosophical meaning of who we are, (…) we want to build a caring society. A society of harmony between human beings and with nature. It is the opposite of the society of savages where everyone is everyone’s competitor. »

If Nupes manages to win the legislative elections and become a majority in the National Assembly, Mr. Mélenchon promises that“just arrived, the minimum wage will be increased to 1,400 euros” and the elected officials of Nupes “freeze the prices of all basic necessities”. After a long passage on the drought which is likely to affect France in the coming months and which will “consequences on the entire economic system”the “rebellious” deputy attacked nuclear power while his communist ally for the legislative elections, Fabien Roussel, pleaded in favor of this energy during the presidential campaign.

Also read the column: Article reserved for our subscribers Agreement of left-wing parties: “Unity is always a fight”

“When it gets hot, we can’t cool nuclear power plants, the level of rivers goes down and so we shut down reactors”he lamented, saying to himself ” worried “. “There are already seventeen reactors shut down. What is the government planning to do? Extending the life of old plants »he continues, denouncing “an absurd, ruinous and irresponsible decision given the danger it represents”.

Mélenchon warns dissidents

Mr. Mélenchon, who confirmed that he will not be “probably not a candidate” in June, also mentioned the possible dissident candidacies of the outgoing deputies of the PS or the PCF. “We’re going to dot the i’s. All the families are in the popular union. Those who present candidates against the popular union are macronist candidates, because they only serve Macron. » Mr. Mélenchon appeared visibly annoyed by the promises of candidacies outside the Nupes, such as that envisaged in particular by Lamia El Aaraje, outgoing PS deputy of the 15e constituency of Paris, which had to give way to Danielle Simonnet, municipal councilor of Paris LFI. “I’m telling you this because people have started puffing my ears with I don’t know what dissident. Laughs best who laughs last. »

Before him, all the leaders of the signatory parties to the agreement succeeded each other at the podium. The first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, who received applause but also muffled boos, insisted on making ” a confidence “ : “The El Kohmri labor law, no socialist has ever adopted it, because it was imposed on us by 49-3. » It is therefore necessary, according to him, “rather than telling the socialists ‘you are traitors’, tell them ‘we understood that we could be together'”. “Happy reforms are within reach, that’s the event of the day! »immediately exclaimed Fabien Roussel.

The first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, during his speech in Aubervilliers, Saturday May 7. The first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, during his speech in Aubervilliers, Saturday May 7.

As for the ecologist Julien Bayou, he believes through this alliance that “the no and the yes in the 2005 referendum are reconciled”via compromise; “Let’s disobey to save Europe, to reorient European policies towards the best social and ecological”. Shortly after these speeches, the logo of this alliance was presented, a rainbow “V”, as the sign of victory, but also as the Greek letter “nu”, the beginning of the acronym Nupes .

The map of the constituencies divided between the parties of the New People's Ecological and Social Union for the legislative elections. The map of the constituencies divided between the parties of the New People's Ecological and Social Union for the legislative elections.

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