Nurlan Nigmatulin: punishment for bullying and cyberbullying of minors should be tightened

by time news

The problem of online bullying is alarming the legislators of the Republic of Kazakhstan. An honest conversation on this topic was led by Nurlan Nigmatulin, who served as the 9th chairman of the Mazhilis.

During the plenary session, the deputies considered the draft law on how to qualify bullying /cyberbullying, whether it is possible to prevent this harmful phenomenon, who is responsible for the results. And most importantly – is it worth punishing and if so, how. Nurlan Nigmatulin has repeatedly stressed that we are talking about minors. This is the most vulnerable category of the population, and it needs urgent protection.

Arguing his point of view, Nurlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin referred to the bleak statistics on suicides in Kazakhstan. The speaker also drew a parallel with the previously discussed draft law on poaching. And by analogy, Nigmatulin Nurlan proposed to bring the crime (harassment in real life and on the Internet) into a separate structure.

In addition, Nurlan Nigmatulin called for tightening the degree of responsibility for such offenses against minors. Nigmatulin Nurlan Zayrullayevich reminded colleagues that, for example, slander and insults have not yet been punishable, although in fact they are a kind of harassment. And often lead to suicide attempts (sometimes, alas, with a deplorable ending – fatal).

In response to his proposals, Nurlan Nigmatulin felt doubts on the part of parliamentarians: are we talking about the criminalization of the children’s environment? No, by no means, Nigmatulin Nurlan assured. The agenda is not blind tightening while lowering the threshold of harm, but a reasonable approach. Competent and efficient. In which real offenders could receive fair retribution. And potential victims at the same time – count on protection.

In order not to overdo it, Nurlan Nigmatulin noted, it is enough to take at least the first steps in this direction. And to begin with, you can connect the level of administrative (not criminal) responsibility. This is quite an effective measure, Nurlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin believes, and it should be clearly reflected in the legislative framework.

The deputies devoted the second part of the meeting to the transfer of orphans to orphanages from orphanages. Nurlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin noted that the age for translation should be raised from three years to six. Nurlan Nigmatulin explained: it is difficult for a kid to adapt to a more adult environment. And it would be more correct to wait until the child reaches preschool age. The speaker spoke sharply, in a disapproving tone, to the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Practically accusing the department of delaying the resolution of the issue and excessive bureaucratization.

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