Nursing Entrance Test, Only One Question Per Place – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

(ANSA) – ROME, 05 SEPTEMBER – Applications for admission to nursing degree courses are decreasing, especially in the regions of Central and Northern Italy. A reduction, compared to previous years, that this year is also starting to affect the South. This was revealed by the National Federation of Nursing Professions (Fnopi). Despite the increase in places available (377 more than in 2023-24), applications show a negative trend -10% (on average one application for one place) or 2,377 less than last year. Going into detail, “the data also becomes relevant in the phase following the selections – we read in a note – when, finding free places in the North, many southern students find themselves forced to give up because the costs for out-of-town students and for families become impossible to sustain”. For Fnopi, it becomes a priority to act on multiple levels, both from an educational and professional point of view. “With regards to training – they explain – it is necessary to shorten the action times, starting today to analyse the data of the enrolment applications and to study the needs and actions to be implemented for the next academic years.
It is also essential to extend the time frame dedicated to test registrations, publishing the notices more in advance (this year there was only one month available for aspiring nurses)”. For the Federation, it is also essential to make the flexibility of the rankings, introduced this academic year, “concretely effective”, useful for those eligible to have further opportunities to access the degree course in locations other than those where they took the tests. “On this aspect, desired by the Ministry of University and Research, the Federation will start a constant monitoring activity. Finally, the need for a comprehensive review of the system remains firm, which, starting from the specializations of the master’s training courses (in the process of being activated), can offer career prospects to nurses and allow the release of skills that today are often already exercised, but are not adequately recognized from an economic and organizational point of view”. (ANSA).

2024-09-05 21:12:23

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