Nutrition: To the Core – Learn the Basics of Nutrition and Eating According to Your Body’s Needs with Our Comprehensive Online Course – Just $29.99

by time news

2023-06-01 15:15:42

You probably love food just like everyone else. Food makes us happy, brings people together, gives energy, supplies nutrients and makes physical processes possible. To provide clarity in what nutrition exactly is and does for your health, we have the ultimate course for you: ‘Nutrition: To the Core,’ where you learn everything about the basics of nutrition and eating according to need.

Voeding: To the Core

Would you like to learn more about nutrition? Do you no longer see the forest because of all the diets and food trends? Or are you looking for a healthy relationship with food? Then the online course ‘Nutrition: To the Core’ offers you all the tools you need. You will receive an email every week for eight weeks with a new chapter. You can complete the course in your own time, take as long as you like and all for just $29.99.

What will you learn in the online course?

In eight weeks you will learn everything you need to know about the basics of nutrition. From learning about calories to eating as needed and from understanding blood sugar levels to reading labels. We offer you the tools so that you can apply the knowledge independently to your own diet and your diet contributes to more energy and happiness.

Every week we pay attention to a different topic and you will receive a challenge at the end of the chapter, which will ensure that you can apply the knowledge you have gained in practice. This course provides information, knowledge and insights.

The following topics will be covered in the course:

  1. Calories
    Calories – probably the most dreaded word when it comes to nutrition. Yet you cannot separate nutrition and calories from each other. In this chapter we take a closer look at the crucial effect of calories, the quality of calories and you learn how indispensable they are for your health.
  2. Macronutrients
    Every complete meal contains carbohydrates, fats and proteins. When these three macros occur in the right proportion in your meal, you maintain a stable blood sugar level and prevent energy dips. In this chapter you can read more about the functioning and distribution of each macronutrient and learn how essential they are for your health. We also briefly discuss micronutrients and minerals.
  3. The blood sugar
    Your blood sugar says something about the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood. Glucose in blood is essential because it provides energy. In this chapter, we use a video to explain how blood sugar levels work and how to eat a full-fledged diet to keep your blood sugar level stable.
  4. Drinks
    Now that you know how sugar affects your blood sugar and energy balance, you will choose a glass of water more often. Moisture is incredibly important for your health. In this chapter we give you insight into what different types of drinks do to your system. In which we mainly discuss the importance of moisture and the influence of sugar, alcohol and caffeine on your health.
  5. ​​​​​​​Eating times
    Opinions are rather divided on the question of how many eating moments per day is the healthiest. We are therefore not going to tell you what is best in this chapter, but look purely at what science says. With this knowledge you can then decide for yourself how many eating moments are beneficial for you.
  6. ​​​​​​​Read labels
    Time for the next video! Reading labels can cause a lot of confusion if you know how and why you are reading these labels. For many this is a difficult task, because you are being misled by manufacturers with claims, beautiful names and pictures. You can get the correct information from the nutritional table and ingredients list. That is why in this chapter we teach you how to read labels, what you should pay attention to and how you can independently extract the desired insights from labels after this chapter. With the aim: to master the deceptions of the manufacturer.
  7. ​​​​​​​Eat as needed
    Food is a basic necessity of life lucky us, because who doesn’t like food? Your body needs a certain amount of energy from food every day. In addition to energy, we also get nutrients from food. When the energy supply in your body drops, you get hungry. The more nutritious and versatile you eat, the less hungry you are during the day. In this chapter we will take a closer look at eating on demand. Every body is different, so has a different need for food.
  8. ​​​​​​​Dieting and intuitive eating
    Just as we started with a dreaded word, we also end with one: diets. There are so many diets, but there is still no diet that really works. At least not in the long run. This is exactly why diets are not the solution for many. What does work according to scientists: (Small) adjustments in your eating habits. By restricting certain foods, doing a diet quickly results in a shortage of macronutrients and therefore nutrients. It is better to increase your knowledge about nutrition, so that you make more conscious food choices and eat on feeling. So feed your body with the right food.
    1. Who is this online nutrition course for?

      On the one hand, this course is for anyone who wants to learn more about nutrition and its effect, but also for people who would like to explore the depths. Do you find nutrition complicated and don’t know where to start, because of all the facts and fables? Then this course is perfect for you.

      Register now!

      #Learn #nutrition #Core

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