Nutritionist Fabozzi, ‘the 3 Cs at the table for pre- and post-dinner detox’

by time news

2023-12-21 17:27:01

“In view of the holidays, let’s apply the 3 C rule: fill the fridge with foods such as artichokes, thistles and chicory, with notable diuretic, draining and detoxifying properties, combining them with foods rich in vegetable water such as fennel, fundamental for helping our organs to work well and eliminate toxins. Real cure-alls for preparing for dinners and detoxifying in the following days”. This is the suggestion of nutritionist Gemma Fabozzi, head of the Nutrition area of ​​the B-Woman center in Rome.

“Christmas is upon us and many patients ask me for some tricks to compensate for the excesses they will experience during the holidays – he says – There are small suggestions for taking care of their organs, which will be put to the test in the coming days. We need to give them support and energy by using food in a functional way, without having to give up the pleasure of conviviality on such a special day.”

Here’s how to consume, for example, the three ‘C’ foods allied to our health, before and after the culinary marathons that await us. Artichokes “should be eaten raw, marinated in oil and lemon, before a meal, especially if it involves fried food. Cardoons are best boiled and then seasoned with oil, salt and lemon to enhance their draining and soothing properties for the mucosa gastrica. Cardoon in broth is the perfect recipe for Boxing Day, so as to give a little relief to our liver – underlines Fabozzi – detoxifying it after the excesses of food and alcohol of the previous days”. Finally, the nutritionist reminds us “to combine fennel: raw in salad, seasoned with oil and lemon, with the addition of their beard and a few basil leaves, or raw in vinaigrette before meals. This will help you arrive less hungry, but above all to manage the swelling which is a constant during holidays.”

Another trick suggested by the expert is to “drink water with drops of squeezed lemon throughout the day. The citrate contained in this fruit will help activate the digestive processes and stimulate and purify the liver. If desired, add a little lemon root. grated ginger to enhance the effect”.

Absolutely not, Fabozzi instead recommends forced fasting or the total elimination of carbohydrates in the preceding days: “Diets that are too drastic can only put our organs in difficulty – he explains – and reduce the speed of metabolism. Fast for lunch on 24 December, in in view of the eve, or December 31st, in view of the New Year’s Eve, can only make the situation worse, as you will arrive at dinner with hypoglycemia and super hungry, risking doing much worse. Opt for a light lunch, perhaps avoiding bread and pasta, but by inserting intelligent foods – he remarks – to provide the right energy to your organs, which will have to work hard during the night”.

An ally, among the typical foods of the period, is “dried fruit, a simple and healthy snack that we must recover from past tradition, with an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, rich in fiber and proteins that give us satiety. A panacea in days in which sugars are abused”.

Another piece of advice is to “avoid munching on the sweets that are given to us during the day, that is, to have a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack with nougat, nougat or panettone – warns the nutritionist – It would be better to recover the healthy habit of breaking morning and afternoon with a snack based on dried fruit, which should absolutely not be demonized, but considered a real functional food, capable of satiating and nourishing us: it does not contain ’empty calories’, but is rich in micronutrients useful for our body “.

Finally, the expert puts to rest the feelings of guilt for the holiday food marathons. “You don’t gain weight between Christmas and New Year, but between New Year and Christmas… if you don’t follow the right diet. It certainly won’t be a single day of exception at the table that will undermine the work done in the previous days or months following a healthy eating. Whether it’s Christmas or another holiday – underlines Fabozzi – if we go out for lunch or with relatives we can easily eat everything that is offered to us, perhaps controlling the quantity of total sugars we take in. If we eat pasta – gloss – let’s try to avoid fruit and panettone”.

#Nutritionist #Fabozzi #table #pre #postdinner #detox

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