Nvidia versus Super Micro Computers: The $1,000 Race

by time news

AI stocks are in demand. A lot. Only on Monday did Nvidia shares jump to a new all-time high. The company is now worth $1.7 trillion – more than Tesla, more than Meta and almost as much as Amazon. In the background, other stocks in the sector are also increasing massively in value. One of the biggest winners: Super Micro Computer…

Nvidia shares are more in demand than they have been for a long time. The chip manufacturer’s shares are climbing new all-time highs every day. The company is now worth more than the automobile manufacturer Tesla and also more than the messenger king Meta (including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp). There’s not much left until Nvidia catches up with Amazon. There are “only” 56 billion US dollars left. The “only” sounds crazy, but the companies mentioned, all part of the Magnificent 7, play in a league of their own and are now worth trillions of dollars.

Athletic challenge

A company is (still) playing in a different league. At least as far as the stock market value is concerned. Super Micro Computer from San Jose, California brings just $37.1 billion to the stock market. Vanishingly small compared to Nvidia’s 1,713 billion. But when it comes to performance, Super Micro Computer makes even Nvidia shareholders, who are used to success, jealous.

The period in the chart is deliberately chosen. Because on April 18, 2023, DER AKTIONÄR bought the shares of Super Micro Computer into his real money SHAREHOLDER depot. Purchase price at that time: 105.65 euros. Rate today: 637.60 euros. That’s an increase of 503 percent! During the same period, Nvidia shares also performed well. But just good and not outstanding. Nvidia prices increased by 152 percent.

Now the not entirely serious question arises: Which of the two stocks will be the first to reach the $1,000 threshold? Nvidia is trading at $703 on Tuesday. Super Micro Computer at $679. One thing is certain: if the stocks continue to rise at the pace of the past few weeks, then it will only be a matter of a few months before the mark falls. DER AKTIONÄR is not releasing any more shares for the time being. Super Micro Computer remains in the SHAREHOLDER depot.

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Note on conflicts of interest

The chairman of the board and majority owner of the publisher Börsenmedien AG, Mr. Bernd Förtsch, has directly and indirectly entered into positions on the following financial instruments or related derivatives mentioned in the publication, which may benefit from any price development resulting from the publication: Nvidia.

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