NVWA says it has an eye on ‘illegal’ infections ToBRFV

by time news

The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) is taking additional measures to combat the Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV). There is ‘a higher virus pressure’ at several companies, the watchdog reports on the basis of inspections.

This greatly increases the risk of spreading to surrounding companies. The measures focus on companies with a higher virus pressure and companies that illegally infect plants with ToBRFV, the so-called cross-protection. The NVWA says it has indications that, despite an earlier warning not to mess with the virus, this is happening anyway.

The aim of the additional phytosanitary measures is to reduce the virus pressure, thereby reducing the risk of ToBRFV spreading. The NVWA will take enforcement action against companies that keep, propagate, trade or intentionally infect plants with ToBRFV. The NVWA suspects that the higher virus pressure on companies is partly caused by the deliberate infection of plants with ToBRFV. Growers hope this will limit the damage caused by other variants of ToBRFV. Last year, the NVWA already warned growers not to apply cross-protection. This new warning follows exactly one year later.

Quarantaine status
The virus, which is harmless to humans, has a Q status in the European Union. ToBRFV is a virus that is harmful to some plants and can infect tomatoes, bell peppers and Spanish peppers, among others. Since November 2019, temporary emergency measures have been in place in the EU to prevent the spread of the virus. It is mandatory to prevent introduction and spread of ToBRFV and to eliminate the virus. The agent used in cross-protection contains a variant of ToBRFV. The use of a product containing a quarantine organism is not permitted.

NVWA warns again: do not intentionally infect
Last year, the NVWA already warned not to apply cross-protection. However, the NVWA has indications that this is still happening. During inspections at several infected farms, the NVWA found the ToBRFV variant from the illegal cross-protection agent. The use of the substance is not only prohibited, it also entails risks for the user and surrounding companies, says the watchdog. That is why the NVWA once again urges growers not to intentionally infect plants with ToBRFV. The NVWA suspects which companies have deliberately infected their plants and will take enforcement action.

Do not use cross-protection agent without risk
According to the manufacturer, the product contains a mild variant of the virus. This claim is not supported by (scientific) evidence. The NVWA has already indicated this to growers. The agent, like other variants of the virus, causes damage to plants. By applying cross-protection, the virus pressure within a business location increases. That means that more virus is present. It therefore becomes more difficult to eliminate the virus on site. In addition, the risk is increasing that surrounding companies, such as growers of young plants and seed production companies, will become victims and become unwittingly infected with ToBRFV.

The cross-protection agent is an unauthorized crop protection agent. This means that the product has not been assessed and approved by the Board for the Authorization of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb). The Ctgb assesses plant protection products on effectiveness and risks for humans, animals and the environment. This has not happened with this drug, so the effectiveness and risks are unknown.

Criminal investigation
Last year, the NVWA completed a criminal investigation into the suspected producer of the cross-protection agent and several companies that deliberately infected their plants. The file has been submitted to the Functional Public Prosecutor’s Office. The NVWA has indications that the suspected producer of the drug has not stopped producing and selling it. The NVWA has started a new enforcement investigation.

In Flanders, too, the government acted at the end of last year after suspicions about illegally infecting plants with the virus. It resulted in a media storm, because the news was picked up nationwide. This new NVWA message has also been picked up by national media.

According to the latest official figures, the Netherlands has 41 ToBRFV infections. The figures have not been updated since June 2022. In Flanders, there are at least 15 infections.

Source: NVWA

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