NYT Announces Secret Talks between the US and Russia After the Geneva Summit | News from Germany about Russia | DW

by time news

After the first meeting of US and Russian Presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin in Geneva, both countries held a series of closed talks on various topics, the American newspaper The New York Times (NYT) reported on Sunday, October 31, citing unnamed sources. According to her, the United States is represented in these negotiations by Ann Nuremberger, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security.

“A whole series of contacts” after the Geneva summit

After the June summit, “a whole series of contacts” took place between the United States and Russia, in particular, high-ranking representatives of the American administration have traveled to Moscow three times since July, the newspaper writes. In addition, meetings were held on neutral territory – in Finland and Switzerland. “Officials in both countries say that the series of talks has so far done little in substance, but helps prevent tensions in Russian-American relations from spiraling out of control,” the newspaper emphasizes.

Citing a senior US administration official, the NYT notes that the US is “very aware” of the intentions of Putin and the Kremlin, but considers it possible to work together on issues such as arms control.

In addition, the interlocutor of the publication reported on close cooperation between the United States and the Russian Federation on the problem of resuming the nuclear deal with Iran, and also, to a lesser extent, in relations with North Korea. At the same time, he named a number of other areas in which the Russian side “is trying to create obstacles.”

Cybercrime and arms control

As noted by The New York Times, the United States handed over to Russia the names of hackers suspected of cyberattacks to see if arrests would follow. Thus, Washington is checking how serious Putin’s promises are to help fight ransomware viruses and other types of cybercrime, the publication further writes, citing an anonymous American official. In addition, the US and Russia are currently engaged in a serious and “deepest in recent years” dialogue on arms control, the newspaper said.

“For the White House, negotiations are a way to try to avoid geopolitical surprises that could derail Mr Biden’s priorities – competition with China and an internal agenda that includes many problems. For Mr Putin, negotiations with the richest and most powerful country in the world are a way to demonstrate Russia’s global influence. and strengthen your internal image as a guarantor of stability, “- writes the author of the material.

Biden-Putin meeting in Geneva

The first meeting between Biden and Putin took place in Geneva on June 16. At the summit, both agreed to begin consultations on cybersecurity. The head of the White House offered Putin a list of 16 areas in which hacker attacks would be prohibited, the Russian president then argued that most of such crimes are committed from the United States.

Biden said in Geneva he made it clear to Putin that the United States would respond to actions that undermine the interests of America and its allies. “Putin knows I will take action,” Biden said. Putin, in turn, specified that the talks discussed cyber security, strategic nuclear stability, regional conflicts, including in Ukraine, trade relations, cooperation in the Arctic.

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