NYT Unusually Long Black and White Editorial… “Trump is Not Fit to Be a Leader”

by times news cr

2024-07-13 20:02:36

New York Times (NYT) editorial on the 11th (NYT website)

The New York Times (NYT), a progressive American newspaper, published a long and scathing editorial on the 11th (local time) claiming that Donald Trump is not fit to be a candidate for the US presidency. The editorial examined five essential qualities in detail and used them as evidence that Trump is not fit to be a leader. The explanation for each quality was long, making the overall editorial unusually long.

The editorial also gave off a very serious vibe, using white letters on a black background and black and white photos. Other media outlets reported that the New York Times warned voters with a 5,000-word, essay-like editorial. 5,000 words in English is usually 10 pages of A4 paper.

“What was once a great party now serves one man,” the New York Times editorial said ahead of next week’s Republican National Convention, where Trump is expected to be nominated as the party’s presidential nominee. “Trump is the most unfit man for the presidency in the long history of the republic, a man whose values, temperament, ideas and language are diametrically opposed to so much that has made this country great,” it said.

The editorial contrasted Trump with “principled officeholders” like George H.W. Bush, Mitt Romney and John McCain, arguing that Republicans have “set aside concerns” about Trump because of his stances on immigration, trade and taxes. The implication is that Trump’s own qualifications are not being debated because he sends a strong message on hardline immigration, trade and taxes.

The editorial said, “Trump has shown a personality unfit for the responsibilities of the presidency. He has shown a total lack of respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the American people.” It also criticized, “Instead of a clear vision for the future of the country, Trump is consumed by a thirst for political power—a desire to use the levers of government to advance his own interests, satisfy his impulses, and exact revenge on those he perceives as having wronged him.”

The editorial summarized, “He is simply unfit to lead,” and said that it was a “national tragedy” that the Republican Party did not engage in a similar debate about Trump (as the Democratic Party discussed replacing its candidate). It then went on to argue that Trump was unfit as a candidate in terms of moral suitability, principled leadership, character, presidential speech, and rule of law.

On moral fitness, he said, “He (Trump) lies blatantly and maliciously, embraces racists, abuses women, and has the instincts of a schoolyard bully who targets the most vulnerable in society.”

Regarding principled leadership, he said that unlike Republican leaders who demonstrated “country first” leadership at important moments, Trump “has shown contempt for this American ideal,” and that he “admires dictators from Viktor Orban to Vladimir Putin to Kim Jong Un.” He also pointed out that “during his four years in office, he has tried to rule the United States like a dictator, issuing orders and decrees via Twitter.”

On character issues, he cited statements from former aides who turned opponents, such as retired Marine Corps General James Mattis, who served as Secretary of Defense, who said, “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people, and does not pretend to try.” He argued that his character is not fit for public office.

In terms of the president’s language, he pointed out Trump’s extreme and violent use of language, and in terms of the rule of law, he pointed out his disregard for the rule of law and democracy, such as his attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, and assessed that “in the four years since he lost the election, Trump’s will to overthrow the rule of law has become stronger.”

In conclusion, the New York Times emphasized that “the most important job in the world should not be given to someone who has failed many basic tests.”

The New York Times has been a vocal advocate for the public to make the right choice in this election. After the first televised presidential debate last month, it published an editorial urging President Joe Biden to drop out of the race.

This Trump-critical editorial also said that the Democratic Party is having its own debate about who should run in Biden’s place. The editorial argued that “the Democratic Party is arguing fiercely because of legitimate concerns that Trump poses a danger to the nation, its power, its security, and its national character, and that only a strong Democratic alternative can prevent him from taking office.”

(Seoul = News 1)

2024-07-13 20:02:36

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