Obama Couple’s Influence: A Game Changer for Kamala Harris as Biden Exits Reelection Race

by time news

Barack and Michelle Obama were not among the first to support Kamala Harris when Joe Biden announced that he was withdrawing from the race for re-election.

The former President of the United States, Barack Obama, as well as his wife Michelle, made their presence felt at the Democratic convention in Chicago.

The couple’s remarks were anything but “lukewarm,” and no one can say that they won’t create results, and indeed significant ones for Kamala Harris.

When Joe Biden announced a month ago that he was stepping down for the good of the country and his party from the race for re-election, Barack Obama and Michelle were not among those who immediately rushed to openly support Harris.

When they eventually did so with their phone call to the Democratic candidate, it became a campaign spot from the team running Harris’s campaign.

The Obama couple’s influence on American society

The Obama couple has an exceptionally strong influence not just within the party but primarily in American society.

Barack Obama retains the title of a key figure for the “blues,” and this is because he is the only Democratic President who not only produced policies while in the Oval Office but also promoted the future of the party.

Joe Biden was his vice president during both terms, while Kamala Harris made a strong entrance into politics with moves by Barack Obama.

However, from a communication standpoint, it seems that the important member of the Obama family is not the former President but his wife.

Michelle Obama, who “played” a very prominent role as a name that Democrats could put forward against Trump if Harris did not convince them, is perhaps the only non-political figure today who enjoys widespread and mainly overall acceptance from Americans.

It is no coincidence that Michelle Obama spoke at the Democratic convention before her husband, and it is also no coincidence that Barack Obama specifically mentioned this detail.

While Michelle Obama may not have made the move to choose to enter politics herself this time, her stance will play an important role in rallying those who have not decided which side to support in the elections on November 5th.

“No one is left behind in the ‘battle'”

The battle for the Oval Office will officially begin tomorrow when the Democratic convention concludes its work. However, the war has been ongoing for months and is expected to be both tough and unpredictable.

The “card” of the Obamas may be the strongest for the Democrats but also the most challenging for the Republicans. The message from the “blue” camp was clear: no one is left behind in the battle.

Donald Trump’s next moves

The question now is what the Trump camp will do, which essentially cannot target a single individual.

The Trump-Vance campaign will need to change its strategy and targets soon, as the rhetoric that includes only Harris appears not to be effective.

The dilemmas facing the Republicans are expected to multiply soon, especially if Harris continues to gain ground in the critical states that have “produced Presidents” in the last three presidential elections.

Trump seems to have realized that it is impossible to attack all the Democrats who have emerged and, more importantly, that it is not in his interest to take on all of them.

Business is undeniably his strong point, and in this relationship as it is currently shaped with a variety of Democratic figures, the 45th President of the country knows well that he does not have the “power of numbers” on his side.

What remains to be seen is whether he will succeed once again in fracturing the unity that the Democrats currently appear to have and winning them over one by one.

The “exercise” seems to be and is difficult, but the “prize” of the White House is not negligible…

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