Obscene traffic: 51 things that drive us crazy about transportation in Tel Aviv

by time news

Public Transport

Buses that do not stop at the station. Why? Because they decided, and we are a captive audience

→ Autobus stations without shade. There is no shadow, it is an illusion. It’s Schrödinger’s shadow.

→ crazy density, Not even during rush hour, with an emphasis on buses outside the city (and especially Ramat Gan and Givatayim).

→ Buses that enter intersections and block them, Because the road belongs to their father.

Haggggg stop. Fear and loathing on buses on the Begin road (Photo: Shutterstock)

→ In general, no one puts a stop to the elderly on public transport. Everyone is interested, Grandma.

→ Buses that don’t arrive on time. It’s simply impossible to plan a schedule based on the time limit in this city.

→ Cockroaches on the bus. How is that still a thing?

→ Stations are canceled by surprise. OK, we understand that because of the RKK everything has to be changed all at once, but why isn’t there an updated place that centralizes all the changes? If the public doesn’t know where the transportation is, how will they use public transportation?

← Everything here is a neighborhood. Sometimes it’s actually our luck.

← That the trip from Tel Aviv to Herzliya takes an hour by car and two hours by bus. We are not mathematicians, but something in the numbers doesn’t add up..

← The fact that there are 70 apps for bus times and none of them are good. The best start-up news is ours.

→ Drivers who refuse to pick up dogs, even though they have to. And in general, why are there so many drivers who do whatever they want, often against the regulations? They were created for a specific reason, and that is so that we don’t have to fight with drivers.

Rain falls on the faces of those waiting at the station and on those who are not waiting any longer.  Bus station (Photo: Shutterstock)

Rain falls on the faces of those waiting at the station and on those who are not waiting any longer. Bus station (Photo: Shutterstock)

→ And worse than that, drivers who don’t wait for people to get off and close the door on you. Are you with a baby carriage? Maybe you are an elderly woman with a walker? Good luck with that, and let’s not talk about how many times you’ll end up in the middle of the road.

→ The new Chinese buses. Must have been made by children.

→ Drivers who refuse to stop and wait for the police with the door locked when there is a sexual harasser on the bus. Another regulation that is not counted, but what is sexual harassment compared to returning to the station on time?

→ Babylon’s changing times. Please close on time and update us at the end.

→ Babel’s shock absorbers. We’re nostalgic for horse-drawn carriage rides, but let’s not exaggerate.

In the picture you don't see the cockroaches, yes cockroaches.  Dan's bus in Tel Aviv (Photo: Shutterstock)

In the picture you don’t see the cockroaches, yes cockroaches. Dan’s bus in Tel Aviv (Photo: Shutterstock)

→ who are still waiting with the public transport routes. Come on, we already understood that this is a great idea. Hurry up to the NTA the whole city, it’s easy.

← And what about the fact that there is still no train from Haifa to Tel Aviv and vice versa on the weekend? We assure you that both Tel Aviv and Haifa will only benefit.

The fact that there is even a question about whether to operate the light rail on Shabbat. And that the answer, at least at the moment, is that the RKK will not operate on Shabbat.

→ Buses to Ramat Hayal. The ninth section of Dante’s Inferno.


← People walking on my bike path. Come on, it’s not really that hard.

→ Bike paths that end in the middle of life As if there were 9 and three quarters in Harry Potter. Unfortunately, instead of finding ourselves at Hogwarts, we end up just walking into a lottery booth.

It's not good for you, move to Berlin, where there is regulation of this sailing.  Unruly scooter in Tel Aviv (Photo: Shutterstock)

It’s not good for you, move to Berlin, where there is regulation of this sailing. Unruly scooter in Tel Aviv (Photo: Shutterstock)

← that the tricycle does not fit the height of most women. The amount of adapted bikes is really small.

← The inspection calls on Kurkintim. Human life has never seemed so unimportant.

→ People who ride at crazy speed. Why did the sidewalk become a road?

→ Scooter whistles. When driving, standing, in the middle of the night, when the battery is weak, when you touch it, when there is rain, when life itself. The noise of the scooters accompanies us at any given moment. Khals, what did we do wrong to deserve this?

We have a boys' bike day and a girls' bike day, guess which day today is.  Tel Ofen in Tel Aviv (Photo: Shutterstock)

We have a boys’ bike day and a girls’ bike day, guess which day today is. Tel Ofen in Tel Aviv (Photo: Shutterstock)

→ Scooter parking that blocks the sidewalk. In our lives, it has replaced the dog poop problem.

→ Several people riding one scooter. Beyond how much it endangers them and the environment, it just looks as dumb as seeing a full car with an extra person on the roof.

→ Messengers who cover the number so they don’t complain. Your name will be happy if we manage to find it.

→ Riders who think that the traffic lights do not attack them. We have a desire to pet the Doberman bears in you.

We are all human, some of us are just closed.  Bicycles at a crossing (Photo: Shutterstock)

We are all human, some of us are just closed. Bicycles at a crossing (Photo: Shutterstock)

← And how has no one yet figured out what the bike/scooter crosswalks are for? It’s really not that hard. Hint: it’s in their name.

People lifting electric bikes onto a busy bus. You have electric bikes, ride them. Battery out? Congratulations, you are the proud owner of a bicycle. break up

When will it become legitimate for scooters to get on the sidewalk to cut traffic Or to shorten the way on a one-way street?

Walt’s messengers riot on the roads and sidewalks. Yes Walt, specifically you. Either you will take responsibility for your representatives or someday a civil war will start.

→ Movement within Ramat Hay’al. As in Dante’s Nine Sections of Hell.

Private car

← Road closures in all parking areas. What’s the point that the municipality closes streets for two weeks to such an extent that you can’t leave with the car?

The feeling of paranoia while driving because you might have missed a sign hidden by a tree. And in this case, the sign forbids entry to the vehicle during all hours, and there is also a camera lurking in the corner.

Private parking lots are overpriced. Nationalize, expropriate and let us shop for less than a daily wage.

← Why does everyone hate us? Yes, we get it, private cars are bad. We still have to get to work.

Fast lanes. The idea is not bad, but the execution? Transportation for the rich only.

→ The traffic jams at the soldier level. In Dante’s hell at least there are no traffic jams.

Saying goodbye to the private car?  Okay, once we get past this traffic jam and find parking in 2041 (Photo: Shutterstock)

Saying goodbye to the private car? Okay, once we get past this traffic jam and find parking in 2041 (Photo: Shutterstock)


→ There are no taxis. And if there are taxis, they don’t want to go. And if they want to travel, it costs millions because there are traffic jams. So no taxis.

→ Allenby’s blockade. It hasn’t happened yet, but just thinking about this day is a reason enough to freak out in advance.

that people cross the road when their dicks, like they have a death wish. Yes, we have become our aunts, but we are right.

What is a meter for, let me make you a price of NIS 200 not including the happy end.  Taxis in Tel Aviv (Photo: Shutterstock)

What is a meter for, let me make you a price of NIS 200 not including the happy end. Taxis in Tel Aviv (Photo: Shutterstock)

Narrow and impassable sidewalks. Half the city has turned into a scene from Mission Impossible, and we’re not Tom Cruise. And that’s without even talking about Jaffa.

Entrances to office parking lots that block the entire road. When did we say we put in the entrance fee to the city?

→ Taxi drivers who are still trying the “price or counter” exercise. Guys, we are neither in the eighties nor tourists. You can relax.

→ The monopoly of Get Taksi. There are so many horrible aspects to it that we really don’t know where to start.

→ The Peace Exchange. drop an atomic bomb on him and start over, hello and no goodbye.

→ The central station that still exists, operates and pollutes. But since when did anyone count the southern region?

→ Ramat Hayal. The entrance to Ramat Ha’il, the exit from Ramat Ha’il, parking in Ramat Ha’il, the imaginary train station in Bnei Brak in front of Dan Design, and not in front of Ramat Ha’il. We don’t like reaching the level of the soldier, and the level of the soldier probably doesn’t like us either.

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