OECD data: There are not enough doctors and hospital beds in Israel

by time news

The Strategic and Economic Planning Administration in the Ministry of Health published today (Monday) the report of the Israeli health system in the light of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The report contains the health data of the 38 member countries, Membership in the organization. The indices presented include the latest data, from 2019, before the outbreak of the corona epidemic, as well as data from 2010, which reflect the change over time in Israel and the other countries of the organization in each and every index.

The report’s findings suggested that life expectancy Israel is higher than the average in the organization’s countries, when the average life expectancy of an Israeli man has increased in recent years, and stands at 81 years, compared to the average in the organization which stands at 78.3. Among women, the average life expectancy in Israel is 84.8 years, compared to the average in the organization of 83.6.

also, Infant mortality rate Israel is significantly lower than the average of the countries in the organization, since the number in Israel is 3.1 deaths per thousand births, compared with an average of 4.2 among OECD countries. Additionally, Fertility rate In Israel, it is the highest in the organization and stands at 3 births per woman, compared to an average of 1.6 among the member states of the organization.

The OECD report further states that Alcohol consumption rate In Israel, the average of the countries is significantly lower, and stands at 3.1 liters per year, compared to an average of 8.8 liters in the other countries in the organization. On the other hand, the rate of obesity in Israel is 17.7%, while the average in the organization is 17.5%. Israel also stands tall In the rate of those who hold voluntary health insurance With 84.1% and stands in third place.

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Assuta Ashdod Hospital (Photo: Oded Karni)

Although the data are up to date for 2019, pre-Corona epidemic, but reveal the complex health system problems that are also valid at the height of the fifth wave. so, Rate of expenditure on health from the product In Israel, it stands at a stable rate of 7.5%, which is lower than most countries in the organization, and places Israel in 27th place. Additionally, The rate of public expenditure out of total health expenditure It is also one of the lowest in the organization, at 65%, compared to the average in the organization of 74%, which places Israel in 31st place.

Inside such, Rate of beds for general hospitalization Israel is relatively low compared to the other countries in the organization and stands at about 2.2 beds per thousand people, compared to an average of 3.5 in OECD member countries. This change affects the data regarding the average stay and occupancy rates, when Bed occupancy Israel stands at 91%, and is among the highest among the countries in the organization.

Another statistic that is of concern, is The rate of MRI machines per million inhabitants. In the State of Israel, there are 5.1 machines per million inhabitants, and it is in a very low place, with the average in the organization standing at 17. Only in Mexico and Colombia is there a lower rate than in Israel. In addition, about 47.5 perform in Israel MRI scans per thousand residents, Compared to 80 in OCED. Additionally, Percentage of active physicians per thousand persons In Israel, it is nine percent lower than the average in the organization’s countries, and stands at 3.3 doctors per thousand people.

Director General of the Ministry of Health, Prof. Nachman Ash Responded to the data: “OECD data faithfully reflect the state of the health system in Israel, which shows excellent results, but with relatively low resources. In the last two years, more than ever, we see how health system workers give of themselves and lead the health system to excellence, and we “We thank them. The health systems around the world are now facing a shake-up and we expect that the OECD data will provide us with very interesting findings in the coming years.”

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