OECD urges states to promote vocational training

by time news

2023-09-21 11:58:01

As the world undergoes rapid upheaval due to digital technology and the effects of climate change, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) invites developing countries to readjust their training to the needs of the job market. This is through a new report entitled “OECD Education at a Glance 2023”.
With the changes generated in all sectors of activity thanks to the 4th industrial revolution that is digital, without obscuring the new habits imposed by climate change, it appears urgent for States to readjust their education system to cope with the growing demand for skilled workers and adapting to a changing labor market. According to the new study by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) entitled “OECD Education at a Glance 2023”, 44% of upper secondary students are enrolled in education and training. professional training (VET) in OECD countries. Despite this percentage, vocational training is still considered a last resort in many countries even though it can help bridge the gap between education and employment, and improve learning outcomes by providing skills better acquired at work. Aware of the potential that vocational training presents for the independence of young people on the job market, the OECD, through this new report, calls for ensuring stronger bridges between VET and other levels of education . This, in a context where in OECD countries, a quarter of VET students are enrolled in upper secondary programs without direct access to higher education. Professional programs, the institution maintains, must provide the qualifications required to pursue studies at the higher level. Better, the OECD opts for the design of higher education programs which rely on the skills of professional graduates. Better and earlier career guidance is essential. Based on current progress and upheaval, it is essential for the organization to provide young people with access to effective career guidance to encourage them to explore more employment opportunities from an early age. Students, for their part, should also be able to visit workplaces and interact with a wide range of workers before having to make a final decision. Speaking on the subject, OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann noted that “this year’s Education at a Glance identifies opportunities to strengthen the role of education systems in empowering young people to succeed and ensuring equality of opportunity based on merit. For him, “the number of young adults with an upper secondary education is improving in OECD countries, from 82 percent among 25 to 34 year olds in 2015 to 86 percent in 2022.” “However,” he continues, “young people from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds continue to fall behind. Countries must work to close education gaps and provide more support to disadvantaged students and schools to give more young people the opportunity for productive careers, wages and prospects “.
The competence of educators, an important factor
According to the report, well-qualified and motivated teachers are essential to a strong education system, but too many countries continue to prioritize smaller class sizes over improving teacher quality and making careers easier for teachers. teachers more attractive, especially as many OECD countries face teacher shortages. Average wages at the primary level are 13 percent lower than those of other workers with higher education. For upper secondary teachers, the gap is still 5 percent. Across OECD countries, the average statutory salary of primary and secondary teachers has increased by less than 1 percent per year in real terms since 2015. In almost half of OECD countries where the data is available, the real legal salary has fallen. In Luxembourg, for example, real salaries of upper secondary teachers have fallen by 11 percent since 2015 and in Hungary the fall was 7 percent over the same period. The situation is likely to get worse in many countries if inflation over the past 12 months is taken into account, the report said. Countries should increase career development opportunities, reduce teachers’ administrative workload, improve teachers’ public image, and increase salaries in order to attract high-quality teaching staff. The report analyzes the education systems of the 38 OECD member countries, as well as Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, India, Indonesia, Peru, from Romania, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.

QA September 21, 2023

#OECD #urges #states #promote #vocational #training

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