of businessmen are “heroes” for their criticism of feminism and the environment

by time news

2024-01-18 00:03:18

The public appearance of the Argentine president, the ultra-liberal Javier Milei, was one of the most anticipated items on the agenda of the Davos Forum to the point of having received 60 requests for bilateral meetings for the few hours that he was going to remain in Switzerland. And he has not disappointed anyone: Milei presented his most extreme and ultra-capitalist speech before the large audience.

The Argentine president has outlined the ‘goodness’ of extreme capitalism and has even called the businessmen who listened to his speech “heroes” and “social benefactors”, in addition to stating that the “State is not the solution”, but ” the problem itself.” Milei opened his speech with the threatening phrase “The West is in danger” to immediately warn of the serious policies of “impoverishing socialism”, which rely on “collectivist experiences” and advance “free enterprise capitalism.”

“Collectivists do not propose freedom, but more regulation,” he stated, while considering collectivist variants of communists, fascists, Nazis, socialists, social democrats, Christian democrats and globalists, among others. As had been leaked in Argentina, Milei did not go to Davos to talk about his country, his policy that seeks to deregulate the economy and dismantle the State or the critical situation of his economy – with the worst inflation in the region and one of the worst in the world (211.4%) and more than 40% poverty – but to proselytize their libertarian ultra-liberalism.

Attack feminism and environmentalism

Milei has said that free enterprise capitalism is “the only tool to end hunger” in the face of those who “demonize” a system that has lifted 90% of the world’s population out of poverty and “fast.” And she has rejected that there can be “market failures”, since, in her opinion, they can only exist if the State intervenes. In his harsh speech, Milei has attacked the agendas of feminism and the environment that, according to her, socialism has managed to sneak into international organizations.

“The first of these new battles was the ridiculous and unnatural fight between man and woman. Libertarianism already establishes equality between the sexes,” indicated the ultraliberal economist, who has concluded that “the only thing that this agenda of the “radical feminism is greater intervention by the State to hinder the economic process.” Likewise, he questioned the “harmful ideas” of those who “maintain that human beings damage the planet and that it must be protected at all costs, even going so far as to advocate for population control or the bloody agenda of abortion.”

Milei’s trip to participate in the Davos Forum has been his first international trip since he assumed the Argentine Presidency on December 10. As an example of the austerity that he advocates, he and his entourage – made up of his sister and general secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei; the ministers of Foreign Affairs and Economy, Diana Mondino and Luis Caputo, respectively; and the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, traveled on a commercial flight via Frankfurt and Zurich and this Thursday they will take the same route back to Buenos Aires.

He didn’t talk about the Maldives

In these frenetic hours, the president had meetings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom, David Cameron, with whom he did not speak about the so-called ‘Malvinas issue’, but they did agree that it should be part of the bilateral agenda for the coming times “at a diplomatic level.” “; and with Queen Máxima of the Netherlands. Without a doubt, Milei’s most desired meeting was the one she had with the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva, who, days before, had praised her adjustment policies to stop the economic crisis that Argentina is experiencing. .

No details of the meeting were revealed, in which the number 2 of the multilateral organization, Gita Gopinath, and the members of the Executive who accompanied Milei also participated, but it is important that this took place just days after the agreement reached in Buenos Aires. Argentina reached an agreement a week ago, which still must be ratified by the Executive Board of the IMF, and which, after the new goals that the organization will send at the end of January, will allow almost 4.7 billion dollars to be disbursed so that the country face your next debt maturities.

This agreement represents the seventh review of the extended facilities program signed with the entity in 2022 to refinance the debt contracted in 2018 during the Government of Argentine President Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) for about 45,000 million dollars.

#businessmen #heroes #criticism #feminism #environment

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