of French people committed to the principle despite short-term practices, according to a survey

by time news

If the French consider that changes in practices are necessary, eco-gestures remain rather occasional.

The subject imposes itself. While the environmental question takes more and more place in the public debate, that of the treatment of waste and its ecological impacts occupies the French in their daily life. In an Odoxa study for Suez, published Wednesday, November 22 and carried out with a sample of 12,000 people, 89% of French people pay attention on a regular basis and try to reduce their waste. 37% even do it “systematically”.

88% of respondents consider it to be «facile» to sort their waste. 40% even believe that this approach is “very easy” to implement. The simplification of sorting instructions, over the past few years, has made it possible to reach 45 million French people. Territorially, however, this commitment is less important in the most urbanized areas. It is even set back in certain regions and metropolises such as Île-de-France, Lyon, or in Paca.

This waste reduction is nevertheless essential in consumption patterns. While 75% of French people avoid buying plastic equipment or objects, 38% of respondents indicate that this practice is still too occasional. Ditto for purchases of disposable products, favored by 63% of French people, including 33% of occasional people, and bulk purchases, promoted by 53% of French people, of whom 38% are occasional people. 73% of the polls even use special packaging during their shopping. Some other eco-gestures are, conversely, more rooted in respondents. As “drink tap water”, “sell second-hand equipment” or “sell your smartphone when you change it”.

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