Off the music from Facebook and Instagram, Meta and Siae deal

by time news – To “resume negotiations a objective and non-discriminatory conditionsMeta welcomes “positively the table announced by the Ministry of Culture for next week in which we will participate with an open and collaborative spirit”. during the hearing on the lack of agreement between the company Meta and SIAE.

Arguing that “the accusations launched against Meta” are “fallacious and unjust”, Mazzetti explained that “although SIAE’s requests were highly unreasonable, Meta has gone far beyond what is required by law to reach an agreement; tried to keep the negotiation alive by asking for a further extension to continue negotiating and paying (to a notary, as Siae refused to accept payment) the royalty for the period affected by the provisional agreement which lasted until 17 March – extension that Siae refused”.

“Meta – Mazzetti continued – has always acted in good faith and had to disable the SIAE repertoire on its platform – to the detriment of Meta itself and its community of users – precisely to prevent copyright infringements. Meta’s main objective is to provide a high quality service to its users, in full compliance with the regulations.For this reason, Meta is, and will remain, available to resume a dialogue with Siae to reach an agreement that compensates authors in a fair, objective and non-discriminatory way. In line with the agreements that Meta has concluded with other national and international collective management bodies. At the same time – he concluded – Meta has not intended and will not intend to force Siae to accept our model” because “we believe that the negotiation between Meta and Siae must be guided by market logic and by the principle of the parties’ freedom of negotiation”.

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