Office of the Vice President for Internationalization > Santander ERASMUS Scholarships 2023/2024 Academic Year

by time news

Through this call, the Office of the Vice President for Internationalization of the University of Granada publishes the conditions of the “Santander Erasmus Scholarships”, according to the agreement established between Banco Santander and the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE), and specifies the selection and award procedure, in accordance with the general terms and conditions published by Santander Universities:

The objective of the Program is to help university students who are going to carry out an Erasmus stay abroad during the 2023/2024 academic year, thus promoting the mobility and training of students within the European Union, and promoting their employability before, during and after your international stay.

The employment plan will consist of online workshops on skills development that will be offered to all beneficiaries before beginning their Erasmus experience. They will also be invited to participate in face-to-face job orientation workshops and upon their return to Spain, once their stay abroad is over, they will be given a license for an interview simulator and they will be incorporated into employment projects.

The “Santander Erasmus Scholarships” are aimed at promoting the mobility and training of students in university studies at another foreign university within a program that guarantees academic recognition of the studies completed, through the project that aims to reinforce mobility and exchange of students in the European Union.

In the 2023/2024 Call, the “Santander Erasmus Scholarships” program offers students of the University of Granada the following scholarships to help cover the costs of travel, food and accommodation for a European mobility stay:

For the assignment of this type of scholarship, preference will be given to candidates who prove compliance with both requirements of this section.

  • b) 85 scholarships of 500 euros each for students who are beneficiaries of an Erasmus+ grant with the best academic records, giving priority to those who have been beneficiaries of a socioeconomic scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training in 2022 /2023 or have a disability equal to or greater than 33%.

  • Directed to: Students from the University of Granada selected within the framework of the “Call for international mobility of undergraduate students. Academic year 2023/2024» (destinations «Erasmus]and the «Erasmus+ Call for international mobility of postgraduate students. Masters of 60 credits. Academic year 2022/2023»

IMPORTANT: In order to participate in the selective process of the call for “Santander Erasmus Scholarships”, those interested must register in the Santander scholarship tool on the website (until March 14, 2023) .

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