Official data from the European Commission: Covid vaccines, 11,977 deaths (and only 1% are reported)

by time news

2023-12-21 17:09:45

Pay attention to what is being published about damage to the Covid vaccines. The European Comission has acknowledged in a document that Almost 12,000 European citizens have died “spontaneously” after receiving Covid-19 vaccines.

This was confirmed in a formal response to a MEP. Stella Kyriakidesthe European Commissioner for Health.

Ivan Vilibor, a parliamentarian from Croatia, asked the Commission on August 29 about the number of people who died from vaccination during the pandemic. Kyriakides, based on data collected by the European Medicines Agency in your adverse drug reaction reporting system, EudraVigilanceresponded that as of September 30, 2023, they have died 11,977 people “spontaneously” after his vaccination.

However, as some media outlets recall, according to a study by Harvard University, Only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines are reportedso the real figure may be much higher.

This is very important: The reporting figures for possible harm caused by vaccines are not real because there is injury underreporting for medications. As I have said on many occasions: It is estimated that only between 2% and 20% of drug-related injuries are reported.depending on the countries (in most cases they do not reach 5%).

This study would paint a much worse picture because from 11,977 death notifications we would go to a figure with two more zeros: 1.197.700.

As if to take the edge off the matter, the person most responsible for the health of Europeans explained that

The fact that these events were observed after the use of the medication does not mean that they were caused by it. They may have been caused by the individual’s underlying medical conditionsby other medications taken in parallel or due to completely different events.

Stella KyriakidesEuropean Health Commissioner.

There are too many people who presumably died after being vaccinated to be “to blame” for the diseases they already suffered, right?

The European Commission has also commented that such an extraordinary number of post-vaccine deathshas nothing to do with the excess mortality that is registered in Europe after the end of the pandemic.

Well man, if the real number of possible deaths after vaccination were almost 1,200,000it seems that something would have contributed these treatments to this excess of deaths (with Spain among the countries with the greatest excess).

#Official #data #European #Commission #Covid #vaccines #deaths #reported

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