Official! IMSS creates the Coordination of Mental Health and Addictions

by time news

2023-07-03 04:40:36

The Coordination will depend on the Medical Care Unit to link the three levels of Social Security care.
Since August 2022, the IMSS has carried out the detection of mental health problems in the PrevenIMSS and Family Medicine Specialist Nursing Modules.
By October 2023, the IMSS will carry out the 3rd. Virtual mental health congress with an estimated reach in social networks of more than 120,000 people.

The H. Technical Council of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) authorized the modification to the basic organic structure of the Directorate of Medical Benefits, in order to create the Coordination of Mental Health and Addictions. The objective is to strengthen care methods with a transversal approach and based on the processes that are carried out within the regulations.

In an ordinary session led by the General Director of Social Security, Zoé Robledo, the Director of Medical Benefits, Dr. Célida Duque Molina, highlighted that the Coordination of Mental Health and Addictions will depend on the Medical Care Unit to link the three levels of care.

He added that it will be made up of the Linkage and Development Division in Mental Health and Addictions, which will carry out the link with the health sector and with intra and extra institutional instances; and the Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services, which will monitor the operation.

How will it work?

the director of IMSS Medical Benefits explained that there is a model available to provide a preventive mental health service at the First Level of carewhich will also allow avoiding addictions that impact the productivity of companies and the country’s economy.

He said that as of August 2022, detection of mental health problems is carried out in the PrevenIMSS and Family Medicine Specialist Nursing Modules, and up to April of this year, 2,000,000 detections have been made in the country, with 2 percent of suspicion of anxiety or depression and 1.5 percent of panic disorder.

Duque Molina stressed that the states that stand out for this condition are: Coahuila, Jalisco, Yucatán, Mexico City and Aguascalientes, among others.

He added that in addition to the more than 2 million detections made, training of first-level personnel has been implemented in the mhGAP tool to strengthen institutional capacities. Likewise, a complete situational diagnosis of infrastructure conditions and specialized human resources (psychiatrists and psychologists) was prepared.

Dr. Célida Duque added that two International Mental Health Congresses have been held, with the participation of experts from more than 12 countries, and the 3rd will take place in October of this year. Congress in virtual format with an estimated reach in social networks of more than 120,000 people.

For his part, counselor José Héctor Tejada Shaar, president of the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (CONCANACO-SERVYTUR), stressed the importance of having an approach that addresses mental illnesses, since have increased as a side effect of the pandemic and, in some cases, anxiety and depression have been shown to be a side effect of COVID-19 and other illnesses.

“It is necessary not only to update the comprehensive mental health program for the timely care of workers and beneficiaries generated in the year 2021, but also it is essential that this new coordination have metrics, performance objectives and action plans that also integrate of the aforementioned plan the conclusions of the mental health congresses of last year and the year before.

In turn, the counselor Rodolfo Gerardo González Guzmán, general secretary of the Regional Mexican Workers’ Confederation (CROM), explained that employers, businessmen and unions must work together so that companies can generate a series of workshops against addictions to avoid effects on workers, their families and production.

Also read:

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This is the new IMSS program to strengthen the mental health of doctors

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#Official #IMSS #creates #Coordination #Mental #Health #Addictions

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