Officials will demand 35 hours a week from the new Government and renegotiate the salary increase

by time news

2023-09-25 20:48:51

20 proposals on the table, among them achieving a real working day of 35 hours, developing professional careers and teleworking, regulating partial retirement, establishing co-official languages ​​as a merit and not as a requirement in competitions and renegotiating a new salary agreement are the red lines that the CSIF civil servants union has marked for the next Government to be formed. Specifically, the union has expressed that its requests are due to the three major concerns of CSIF: temporality, lack of replacement and the slowness of the selection processes.

It is in the new salary agreement that its position is far from the two other large union formations, CC OO and UGT. From CSIF they have once again reiterated that “the agreement signed by the Government and the class unions is “out of date” because it “condemns” officials to continue losing a purchasing capacity that has already been reduced by 20% since 2010, they have denounced. again Miguel Borra, president of CSIF during the presentation of his demands to the new Executive. His starting line for the new salary agreement contemplates an increase of 9.5% distributed between 2022 and 2024, and also includes the demand to return to “the salary structure prior to the 2010 cuts”, which means recovering full extra payments for all groups of civil servants.

Borra has also explained that it is necessary to “suppress the replacement rate” to contribute to the creation of net employment and the design of templates “appropriate” to the needs of citizens, for which “multi-year planning over several years is necessary.” of public employment offers”. Likewise, he has asked to speed up the selection processes, since it can take more than three years from when the position is announced until the candidates finally join their positions, and to find a “solution to temporality”, an issue that Borra has recalled. which must be solved before December 31, 2024, when the temporary employment rate has to go from 31% currently to 8% to meet the requirements of the European Union. From CSIF, they have estimated that this stabilization process would affect close to half a million people in all sectors of the public administration.

He also wanted to emphasize that the job offers in recent years to renew the Administration’s workforce, “although they have been important, are very insufficient,” for which he proposed a complement to a short and medium-term employment plan that guarantee the sustainability of the system. In this sense, he considered that Spain must face the reforms required by public administrations, given “the progressive deterioration of the services that citizens receive in all areas” (health, education, justice, State Administration, Social Security, SEPE, Tax Agency, Prisons…), as well as the working conditions of the people who work there.

CSIF hopes that a Government will be formed that will allow the General State Budgets for next year and the offer of public employment to be designed as soon as possible. Specifically, it demanded the elimination of the replacement rate to contribute to the creation of net employment and the design of templates “adequate to the real needs of citizens” through multi-year planning for public employment offers, streamlining selection processes and control timing. Borra defended that “the political situation cannot be an excuse to delay the reforms that the Administration requires.”

Using Social Security data, the union recalls that in August more than 11,000 jobs were lost in public administrations, a quarter of this year’s public employment offer. The Central Administration has lost 64,400 workers in 10 years – in July 2022 there were 515,449 workers, while in July 2012 the workforce was 579,892. In this sense, CSIF was “concerned about the situation of temporary employment”, since, according to data from the Active Population Survey, there are more than 1.1 million people in a temporary situation in public administrations, which means 31% of the total, and recalled that the stabilization processes are already being developed and must be concluded by December 31, 2024, when the temporary employment rate must not exceed 8% to comply with the requirements of the European Union. Borra has focused on the fact that “400,000 employees are needed” in the public sector to be able to approach the levels of public employees in the rest of Europe.

Regarding pensions, they have defended decent public pensions and that the passive classes receive the same economic treatment as those in the General Regime. For this reason, they have proposed the beginning of the early retirement process for groups or professional activities whose work is of an exceptionally painful, toxic or dangerous nature. Also a regulation of partial retirement for civil servants and statutory personnel; the increase in the regulatory benefits of the pensions of the passive classes and an additional percentage of 5% annually for those who decide to prolong their working life and the application of the gender gap complement to partial and voluntary retirements.

Added to these demands are the development of the professional career in the General Administration of the State and “linking” the rest of the administrations that have not developed it, promoting internal promotion, the development of teleworking throughout the State; the approval of permits and working conditions between administrations; the adaptation of professional groups and the regulation of co-official languages ​​as a merit, never as a requirement. Likewise, they have requested that the Government increase the financing of the health agreement of the administrative mutualism in Muface and Mugeju corresponding to the period 2022-2024, in the face of a system that they have called “underfinanced” and to avoid cuts in assistance given the economic situation and the price increase.

Finally, they have demanded that the Government enforce the agreement on the development of teleworking in the General Administration of the State signed in April 2021 and issue a Royal Decree that regulates it, as well as advance the protocol against sexual and sexual harassment. of sex in the General Administration of the State, whose text CSIF agreed with the Government in November 2022. If when they transfer all these measures to the next Government “as soon as it is formed”, if they do not obtain a satisfactory response, Borra does not rule out “at all “return to the strike at a time when there is “zero dialogue” with the Executive.

#Officials #demand #hours #week #Government #renegotiate #salary #increase

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