OHADA celebrates 30 years in Cotonou

by time news

2023-08-24 10:05:38

As part of the celebration of the 30 years of life of the OHADA treaty, Cotonou is hosting from October 3 to 6, 2023, an international training seminar based on the accounting system of non-profit entities. This high-level meeting is an initiative of Cercle OHADA.
Belmondo ATIKPO
“The accounting system of non-profit entities of OHADA: a new tool at the service of practitioners and professionals of figures and law in the OHADA space”, It is under this theme that Cercle OHADA is organizing an international seminar of training in Cotonou after those of Lomé, Niamey, Brazzaville. The organization of the seminar falls within the framework of the 30th anniversary of the Treaty (October 17, 1993 – October 17, 2023). The aim is to prepare the players for a harmonized implementation of the Uniform Act relating to the accounting system for non-profit entities, abbreviated as SYCEBNL.
The seminar will take place in five modules, namely the presentation of the SYCEBNL, accounting law and the conceptual framework; accounting structure; accounting translation of current operations; accounting translation of operations and specific problems and the financial statements of SYCEBNL. The OHADA Council of Ministers during its 53rd session held in Niamey in December 2022 adopted the Uniform Act relating to the accounting system for non-profit entities. It is a “financial information organization system whose purpose is to present financial statements that reflect a true and fair view of the financial situation, performance and changes in the cash position of entities with a non-profit organization in order to meet the needs of all users of this information”. This accounting framework applies to associations, professional orders and similar entities and to development projects and similar. In addition to the Uniform Act relating to accounting law and financial information (AUDCIF), this text will make it possible to significantly improve the quality of the information produced within the OHADA space. The Uniform Act relating to the accounting system for non-profit entities was published in the official journal of OHADA on February 22, 2023. It will apply in the 17 States of the OHADA space from January 1, 2024 following the will of the OHADA legislator.
At the end of the 4 days of training in Cotonou, the participants should master the spirit of the Uniform Act to be able to better appropriate it; master the accounting system of non-profit entities applicable in the OHADA space; ensure the changeover to SYCEBNL on January 1, 2024 and produce reliable financial information that complies with the new SYCENBL regulations. Are expected at this seminar, the administrative and financial directors; chief accountants and accountants; internal auditors and management controllers; chartered accountants and auditors, tax auditors called upon to control companies, managers of NGOs and development projects; leaders of associations and professional orders, managers of cooperative societies, etc.
The acronym OHADA stands for Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa. Created by the Treaty of Port-Louis of October 17, 1993 (revised on October 17, 2008 in Quebec – Canada), OHADA is a full-fledged international organization, endowed with an international legal personality, which pursues a work of integration between the countries that are members (today 17 States: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Comoros, Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Niger, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Senegal, Chad, Togo). Its objective is to facilitate trade and investment, guarantee the legal and judicial security of business activities. OHADA law is thus used to propel economic development and create a vast integrated market in order to make Africa a “pole of development”.

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QA August 24, 2023

#OHADA #celebrates #years #Cotonou

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