Oil heating: aid will be paid to households from November 8

by time news

Aid of between 100 and 200 euros depending on income will be triggered from November 8 for people heating with fuel oil, who have not been able to benefit from the shield put in place for other energy sources, indicates this the government on Saturday.

“Parliament voted, this summer, an envelope of 230 million euros to support the households concerned, which could not benefit from the shield put in place for other sources of energy”, explains in an interview with Ouest France on Saturday the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts Gabriel Attal.

“A fuel check can be requested, from November 8, on the chequeenergie.fr site where a simulator will allow you to know who is eligible”, he explains. If the households concerned have already filled up their fuel tank, the check which is valid for one year can be “used to pay their electricity bills”, specifies the member of the government.

In addition to the usual energy check

In a press release from Bercy, it is even specified that this check can be used “for the payment of all types of energy bills (gas, electricity, fuel oil, wood pellets, etc.)” if households have already fill up with fuel.

According to the government, 1.4 million households could benefit from this check out of the 2.8 million who heat with fuel oil.

The Ministry of the Economy recalls that “this fuel oil aid will come in addition to the usual energy check, sent in the spring to around 6 million households, and the exceptional end-of-year energy check which will be sent to 40% of households (12 million households)”, to cope with the 15% rise in gas and electricity prices expected in 2023.

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