Old Easter at the wheel: instead of a sleigh, he drives a line 20 bus

by time news

It is always worth noting when someone provides a service with the desire to make those who receive it happy. This is the case of Sergio Peters, who has been working in collective locomotion for 26 years.

Don Sergio is far from just sitting down to drive and finishing his tour. He was the leader of locomotion and now participates in the same line 20 as master of ceremonies and is the voice of transportation in the region in seminars.

In addition, this driver with a long history gives himself space to surprise his passengers, disguising himself as an old Easter no less than 12 Christmases ago.

“Everyone knows that every year I transform into the old Easter. The idea is to visually communicate the feeling that we should all have on this Christmas Eve, to be with the family, united.
People even get excited,” don Sergio tells Valdivia Newspaper.

“Sometimes people get serious, they see me dressed like that and there is a change in attitude. I have received gifts such as Easter bread or monkey tail ”, she adds.

It is worth mentioning that his funny histrionics is also present for national holidays, an occasion for which he is dressed as a huaso.

“I love this job”

This personal initiative has a lot to do with the philosophy of life of not skimping on smiles and good vibes, as well as showing that the overwhelming number of drivers provide a good service.

“If 3% make mistakes, 97% can correct it because we depend on the public,” explains Peters.

Listening to him, one wonders where this level of commitment and attitude toward passengers, or as he calls them, his audience, comes from. The answer that Don Sergio gives is as simple as it is transcendental:

“I love this job and I hope the rest that comes after me will do it too. I hope that when I’m gone that someone will continue this and that the driver will be kind, generous and respect the students,” she concludes.

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