Olive oil: 4 unknown health benefits

by time news

It is no secret that olive oil is important for health. This vegetable oil, rich in antioxidants, is inseparable from the famous Mediterranean cuisine and diet; It protects the entire cardiovascular system. Here are 4 little-known health benefits of olive oil.

1- Olive oil is an ally of the digestive system

Eating a tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach in the morning stimulates the secretion of bile salts, which act as natural laxatives. It also helps soften the digestive system, and reduces the problem of constipation.

2- Olive oil is an important regulator

Eat olive oil in moderation to protect the heart

The monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil have the ability to regulate blood sugar and lower levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol. On the contrary, it increases the level of good cholesterol (HDL), which protects the arteries, thus ensuring a healthy heart.

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3- Olive oil is a very powerful antioxidant

Olive oil is also rich in vitamin E and polyphenols, antioxidants known to slow the aging of cells. This ensures good flexibility of its membranes.

4- Olive oil is one of the important nutrients for the body

Olive oil is a source of good fats, thanks to its very high content of omega-9 fatty acids (oleic acid), and it also promotes satiety. But nonetheless; It should be limited to 40 ml per day (3 tablespoons); Because it is clearly high in calories.
Madam Net’s advice: Eat olive oil cold to enjoy its health benefits. While preparing the cooking, add the amount of olive oil that you want to add to the cooking after taking it off the fire; In order to preserve the flavor of the oil first, and its important properties for the body second.

• Source: «femmeactuelle.fr»

Note from «Madam Net»: Before applying this recipe or this treatment, you must consult a specialist doctor.

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