Olivia Jones hosts The Big Celebrity Penance: Slutty Little Bitch

by time news

She was the first drag queen to vote for the Federal President, that was in 2017. Olivia Jones was often the first in general: She not only runs a hit bar on the Große Freiheit in Hamburg, a show club with travesty and comedy acts and a burlesque club, but also Germany’s first mens strip club, to which only women have access.

The fifty-two-year-old (there is a 2.01 meter tall man behind the fictional character who does not want to reveal his name here) also has time to take tourists through St. Pauli with her “Kultkieztouren”. She has written a children’s book (“No fear in the other way”) and her biography (“Unvarnished: My shrill double life”), fights against exclusion and bullying in schools and was already in the “jungle camp” in 2013. Tonight at 8:15 p.m., as a moderator, she takes the confession from eleven celebrities on ProSieben in the show “Das Große Celebrity Penance”.

What do you eat for breakfast?

muesli and fruit. Plus lots of coffee. My morning cannot start without coffee. And in the morning it’s around 1 p.m. for me. Before that I had no pulse.

Where do you buy your clothes?

My drag queen outfits are all custom made. Unfortunately, H&M does not yet have a department for flashy oversized items.

What is the oldest item of clothing in your closet?

A red vinyl dress from the eighties. It still fits me like a glove today. More like shot in. But at least.

When was the last time you wrote a letter by hand?

That was at school. An apology. But I can’t speak my mother’s handwriting as well as I used to.

What book has impressed you the most in life?

Now, if I were to mention the Bible, some would probably fall away, right? So I prefer not to. Seriously, that changes all the time.

How do you find out about world events?

I’m a news and gossip junkie. I inform myself on all channels without any special preferences. And I’m someone who still buys real newspapers and magazines at kiosks, even in the digital age.

What’s your favorite small talk topic?

Current gossip. I’m always well informed. Of course, the topic changes depending on who you are talking to, but the most beautiful thing in the world almost always fits. I’m just a little scoundrel bitch.

In her new ProsSieben show

In her new ProsSieben show “The Big Celebrity Penance”, Olivia Jones speaks to the conscience of eleven celebrities.

Image: dpa

What was the last movie that made you cry?

The last time I cried was watching my eye wrinkles on a prime time TV show in HD. I’m usually not built so close to the water. With all the discrimination, bullying and hate I experienced as a young girl, it was better to break the habit of crying quickly. Otherwise I would have looked like a bag of dried fruit for a long time. But it still happens that I have to cry from laughing so much. i love comedy Especially involuntary.

Are you superstitious?

no I am more amused by superstitions. And lately I’ve often wondered if the lines between belief and superstition are becoming more fluid again.

What can you laugh about?

About myself, involuntary comedy and Barbara Schöneberger!

your favorite first name?

Olivia, of course. I could choose him. But otherwise I love shrill, riotous drag queen names, which unfortunately have fallen out of fashion with young drags today. My favorite drag queen name is Evita Klitorita. I also have a rather low-threshold sense of humour.

Do you take a lunch break?

I do power naps. But never longer than 15 minutes. And that only from the afternoon, because my day doesn’t start until 1 p.m. in the morning.

In which country would you like to live?

We can be very satisfied with Germany. Anyone who has many contacts abroad can understand that. Otherwise gladly in Spain. It’s always warm there.

What’s never missing in your fridge?

Milk for my muesli and my coffee.

Do you feel freer with or without a car?

Absolutely without! There are hardly any parking spaces in St. Pauli anyway. I don’t even have a driver’s license. And before there are rumors that I’m my own best customer behind the counter in my bars and clubs: I never got a driver’s license.

What’s your greatest talent?

discipline and self-irony.

What do you do when it’s unreasonable?

I drink way too much coffee. Once in a while. Often. No, actually always.

Which historical person would you like to meet?

Is the Queen, who is almost 100 years old, already one of the historical figures? Then please do it privately. What has this extraordinary woman experienced and endured, and what is going through her head these days? What would she say if she could and wasn’t required to be neutral? I would give a kingdom for her diary. A royal muzzle like that would be hell for a drag queen. Especially in times like ours.

Do you wear jewellery? And a watch?

Private only one watch. And for Olivia, it can’t be glittered enough! I have a lot of rings, necklaces and accessories. Motto: More is more.

Do you have a favorite scent?

Alien at the Moment by Thierry Mugler.

What was your best holiday experience?

Snorkeling in the Maldives. That was a magical experience.

What concert were you at last?

That was with my Udo Lindenberg. And I was even allowed to hand him his eggnog on stage! Nobody can hold a candle to him.

Luckily, what are you missing?

Actually nothing. I am very grateful for my colorful Olivia Jones family and my bars, clubs and theaters. And also for the fact that I was able to turn my passion into a job and live in the most beautiful part of the world: St. Pauli!

what do you drink for dinner

Silent Waters! It’s boring, but it’s healthy and character-friendly.

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