Olympics, Japanese doctors: stop at the Games. Genetic heritage at risk

by time news

Why 60,000 Japanese doctors they signed an official request to cancel the Olympics right now that vaccines seem to be taking effect and serious or fatal cases are drastically reducing? To better understand the need for the Japanese scientific community, we need to start from a data that is in some ways surprising: as of May 18, 2021, only 1.7% of the Japanese population had received both doses of the vaccine.

A a figure three percentage points lower than the world average and above all frighteningly far from Italy (which yesterday had definitively inoculated 15% of citizens) or from the United States which has 38% of total vaccination coverage.

But beware, at the base of the very low penetration of anti-Covid drugs in the Japanese population there is no unjustified skepticism towards vaccines or a difficulty in raising stocks: there is the totally different genetic heritage than any other people on the planet who force scientists to investigate supplements when it comes to administering any drug.

To what refers to Affaritaliani.it an authoritative voice asking to remain anonymous, the Japanese are a people that cannot be genetically superimposed on anyone and they always require studies to this before completing the approval process. So much so that the Chinese, who from a purely external point of view are closer to the Japanese than to the Caucasians, they are similar to the latter as far as the genetic heritage is concerned, while the Japanese are very far away. A problem that is seen not only with the anti-Covid vaccine but also, for example, with cancer drugs.

The Japanese, in fact, lack several enzymes. So much so that it is not just a cliché to say that the Japanese get drunk on very little alcohol, but it is effect of the lack of alcohol dehydrogenase, the enzyme that has a metabolic role that of catabolizing alcohol making it substantially harmless to the body.

As far as we know, the Japanese asked to do studies to this on anti-Covid drugs despite having already booked millions of doses. However, these studies started very late, with the first inoculation starting after mid-February. To be clear, Italy started on December 27, the US a week earlier.

(He follows…)

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