Directors of the Ombudsman’s Office, the National Skills Council and the Planning Secretariat appeared before the Justice and State Structure Commission, within the framework of the analysis of the draft Law to Reform Various Laws for the Effective Deconcentration of the State.
Galo Rodríguez, from the Ombudsman’s Office, supported the project with regard to the powers of this institution, since they give meaning to the new vision that is intended to be implemented.
According to the project, the Ombudsman’s Office will apply the principle of deconcentration, which means the objective distribution of delegated functions in the territory, in order to decongest and bring management closer to people and groups, in accordance with the constitutionally territorial organization. determined and constituted.
In addition, it will implement the national mechanism for prevention, precaution, protection, promotion and restoration of the rights of nature, with emphasis on biodiversity, in the Amazon, island and border territories.
For his part, Myrian Zarzosa, from the National Skills Council, recalled that in accordance with current legal regulations, it is the technical body in charge of establishing the process of deconcentration of the country and that the regulatory framework for the development of its powers is determined in COOTAD.
He explained that in this area their responsibilities include carrying out the process of establishing decentralization and monitoring the strengthening processes at the various levels of government, as well as the deconcentration of public administration, so that there is uniformity in the organization.
The official stated that from this perspective they have no observations on the project, considering that it does not affect the country’s decentralization process.
Finally, Sebastián Vallejo, from the National Planning Secretariat, highlighted the decision of the National Assembly to resume the study of projects that aim to improve the quality of life of people.
He argued that to analyze the project it is important to consider the role of the State and the mission of decentralization, as a mechanism for mandatory, progressive and definitive transfer of powers to the various institutions.
He recalled that the decentralization process has been carried out since the 2009 National Development Plan, but that powers need to be regulated, considering that the laws generate new powers for decentralized autonomous governments.
“For us it is important that these issues be addressed that help create mechanisms to generate harmonious development close to the citizen and optimize the management of public services and resources, with a territorial approach,” he stressed.
The president of the commission, Fernando Cedeño, thanked the observations and comments of those appearing, which will be sent in writing to be evaluated in the preparation of the report for the first debate in the Plenary Session of the National Assembly.
By: Radio Huancavilca