Omicron | Omicron Spread: What types of masks should be worn for protection?

by time news
One of the things we’ve heard the most during ‘Kovid 19’ is ‘wear a mask and get vaccinated’. At the end of 2021, a new variant of Kovid, Omikron, was introduced in the country. Kovid spread in the country is increasing rapidly.

Proper use of masks is just as important as getting vaccinated to stay safe from covid. We may not be able to resist Kovid’s new variant of omicrane, if we wear the same type of mask.

Currently, people use cloth masks, cloth masks, N95 masks and surgical masks. In the event of a rapid re-emergence of Kovid-19 cases, it is possible to examine what type of masks were used as a primary precaution.

Surgical Masks-: These are made by PPE manufacturers but these masks provide only one layer of protection.

N95 Masks-: Provides three layers of protection. In the opinion of scientists and experts, N95 masks offer you maximum protection from the spread of Kovid-19.

Cloth Masks-: Popular cloth masks are not made to medical standards. These masks are widely made in the country by fashion retailers.

Pay more attention to safety when choosing masks. Choose masks according to the environment in which we interact.

Also Read-Omicron | People with Covid are three to five times more likely to develop Omicron; WHO

The American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) suggests that N95 masks are the most effective mask that Kovid patients can wear. According to ACGIH, it can take at least 2.5 hours for an infected person to spread the infection from one person to another if you do not wear a mask and you wear N95. Like N95 masks, surgical masks provide excellent protection against corona virus transmission.

Cloth Mask | Using a cloth mask? Then 20 minutes is enough to catch Kovid; As the study says

Scientists and experts recommend that you wear cloth masks as well as surgical masks. This is because the fabric mask does not block the aerosols containing the Kovid-19 virus. That is why it is recommended to use N95 masks.

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