On ennoblit les gens-saignants !

by time news

2023-10-09 11:20:39

So many memorial days! Every being, living or inert, will eventually have its day of fame. Each social or professional structure on land and sea already has yours. The bleeding people had to have theirs. Fortunately, UNESCO was kind enough to think of them. October 5 marks World Teachers’ Day. Established by UNESCO in 1994, it aims to raise awareness of the importance of the role of bleeding people, to take stock of the quality of education and working conditions on a global scale.

The theme of the World Day of teachers 2023 : « THE teachers we need for the education we want: the global imperative to address the teacher shortage “. A historic issue that is both global and national.

The shortage of teachers can be explained in certain regions of the world; the political and social situation prevents chalk eaters from practicing in decent working conditions. This shortage does not spare Guinea which, a few years ago, had to resort to contract workers to plug the gaping holes. The need for teachers was so enormous and pressing that the State recruited at all costs, without taking into account the level of education, qualifications and skills.

The summary training provided to them could not fill the abysmal gaps from which they suffered, which could not fail to affect the quality of the process of acquiring scientific and cultural knowledge. In our country, you have to be in notorious bad faith not to recognize the low level of the students. The results of the 2022 national exams have sufficiently proven this. The employment of contract workers should be seen as a palliative strategy and not as a lasting solution, because the adage teaches us: “ So much is education worth, so much is the nation worth ».

However, teaching remains a profession of the future in Guinea and elsewhere. Indeed, teaching is a public utility function which makes it possible to protect and transmit knowledge to following generations and sometimes to older people who wish to complete their education. The Frenchman Jules Ferry understood this and made school compulsory in France in the 19th century. It is clear that the Nations which have achieved prodigious scientific and technological leaps are such that they have invested heavily in their education system, devoting a significant fraction of their budget to this sector. Those who refuse to submit to this sacrifice have very little chance of achieving these performances. Revisit Meiji’s Japan, Kemal Atatürk’s Turkey and Deng Xiaoping’s China, you will be amazed!

The school also allows you to develop diverse and prosaic skills such as project planning, public speaking as well as management and leadership. For a long time, teaching has been among the noblest and most respected professions. The women and men who practiced it were adored and envied. Long live World Teachers’ Day! Looking forward to the restoration of the nobility of the profession.

Abraham Kayoko Dore

#ennoblit #les #genssaignants

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