On fuel, the return to normal is expected “next week”…

by time news

9:40 p.m .: This live is now over, thank you for having followed it on 20Minutes.fr!

9:23 p.m .: “Let’s not give up, we will all get there together”, Macron tells the French

“We resist in the face of crises”, and “our course is to be a stronger and more independent nation”.

9:22 p.m .: “We will continue, against all odds, the reforms, the investment in our research, our education …”

9:22 p.m .: “Our course is our independence”, in the face of crises

“France is a great country, by its values, its history, its productive force, its research, its women and its men”

9:20 p.m.: “The crises are here, we have to face them”

9:19 p.m .: “These women, these young people, carry the universalism of our values”

“We stand with these people who are fighting”

9:19 p.m.: “Diplomacy is agreeing to speak with people who do not share our principles, our values”

9:18 p.m .: “France condemns the repressions carried out by the Iranian regime”

9:18 p.m .: “I express my admiration for these women, these young people”

9:17 p.m.: The interview now focuses on the protests in Iran

9:16 p.m .: “Our values, our principles cannot be bought with gas or oil”

9:16 p.m .: “France does not buy gas” from Azerbaijan

9:16 p.m .: “Russia seeks to create disorder in the Caucasus”

9:14 p.m .: A European mission will go to the border between the two countries

9:14 p.m .: “Azerbaijan has launched several offensives”, “we have clearly condemned it”

9:12 p.m .: Armenia has “a unique bond” with France

“Many of our compatriots have Armenian origins”

9:11 p.m .: “The priority to fight against global warming is to get out of coal”

9:10 p.m .: “France does not support” the Total project in Uganda

“There is no French funding for this project”.

9:09 p.m.: “We are going to reopen” the Saint Avold coal-fired power plant

9:08 p.m .: “We must succeed in holding our three axes”

“Energy efficiency, producing more nuclear and developing more renewables”.

9:06 p.m .: “We have a chance in this context, we produce almost 90% of our electricity from nuclear power, hydroelectricity, offshore wind turbines…”

9:04 p.m .: “We have decided to protect our compatriots”, on electricity prices

“We must stick together,” asks Emmanuel Macron.

9:01 p.m .: “I am for dialogue, not for blocking”

“That the CGT allows the country to function and that it respects when an agreement is reached”

8:59 p.m .: “Everyone must be in their place and take their responsibilities”

“A company has employees, managers and shareholders, and no one should escape their responsibility”. “No” we could not make requisitions before “because social dialogue must take place”, affirms Emmanuel Macron.

8:59 p.m .: “It is not up to the President of the Republic to do business negotiations”

8:58 p.m .: “We cannot leave the country blocked when an agreement has been reached”, on fuel

8:58 p.m .: On fuel, the return to normal expected “next week” according to Macron

8:56 p.m .: The ways in which France is adapting to the blocking of Russian gas

1 “convince our partners to lower the price”

2 “put in place a mechanism which consists of putting a ceiling on the price of the gas we use to produce our electricity”

3 “France has helped our compatriots, businesses and households, so that electricity prices do not soar”

8:54 p.m .: “Faced with the increase in gas prices, we are negotiating with those who supply it to us, our European allies”

8:53 p.m .: “Russia has made gas an instrument of war”

8:49 p.m .: “We know it”, the war “will last several weeks, several months”

8:44 p.m .: On the reconquest of Crimea, “it is only because we deliver them weapons that we can decide for them”

“The goals are clear, to regain their 1991 borders. So the question is whether these war goals will only be achieved militarily. At some point, it will be in the interests of Ukraine and Russia to return to the negotiating table”. “It is not because we deliver them weapons that we can decide for them”, adds the president.

“We want to help the Ukrainians to resist, to keep Europe united and to get them around the table to negotiate with Russia” because “negotiating does not mean giving up”.

8:43 p.m .: “All parties must return to the negotiating table”

8:42 p.m .: “Whenever necessary, I will speak to Vladimir Putin”

8:39 p.m .: “As an endowed power, Russia has this historic responsibility, and Vladimir Putin knows it”

“As an endowed power, Russia has this historic responsibility, and Vladimir Putin knows it. This is why I have always considered that we should be in a position which consists in avoiding any escalation of the conflict. We must ensure that this conflict does not spread either geographically or vertically, through the use of chemical or nuclear weapons which would change its nature.

8:37 p.m .: “We must correct our vulnerability”

“We are strengthening the security of strategic French sites”.

8:36 p.m .: “We are in a hybrid war”

Russia makes “disinformation” by “using the migration weapon, energy blackmail, the food weapon and potentially attacks on elements of vulnerability”

8:35 p.m .: “We must help Ukraine to resist but avoid any escalation of the conflict”

8:33 p.m .: On the nuclear threat agitated by Putin, “the more we agitate the threat, the less credible we are”

The war concerns France on three points according to Emmanuel Macron: “A country on our continent is attacked, its territorial integrity has been violated by its neighbor, then our principles have been attacked, and finally, Russia is a state endowed, they have nuclear weapons”. “In this matter we have a simple rule: deterrence works but the less we talk about it, the less we agitate the threat, the less we are credible”

8:32 p.m .: “The sanctions have above all consequences for the economy of Russia”

8:32 p.m .: “If the Belarusian president commits himself more in this war, he will do it against the will of his people”

8:31 p.m .: “Belarus has been complicit from the start, even before” the war

8:30 p.m.: “We provide intelligence so that the Ukrainians can defend themselves”

8:28 p.m .: “We help Ukraine to resist on its soil, never to attack Russia”

8:27 p.m .: Emmanuel Macron promises new aid for Ukraine

“We are working on the delivery of six additional Caesar guns with Denmark”, as well as anti-aircraft missiles “to protect them from drone and missile attacks”. This aid will arrive in the “coming weeks”, he specifies.

8:27 p.m .: “We do not want a world war”

8:26 p.m .: “We will continue and intensify the logic of support for Ukraine without participating in the war”

8:25 p.m .: Russia “resolutely killed civilians and blew up what allows for heating”

“Russia’s objective is to break the Ukrainian resistance”, continues the French president.

8:23 p.m .: “Vladimir Putin must end this war (…) and return to the discussion table”

8:23 p.m .: “Russia made the choice, on February 24, to start a war unilaterally against a neighboring country, Ukraine, by endangering an entire people”

8:20 p.m .: The revolt in Iran, the war in Ukraine, the nuclear threat on the menu of discussions

8:12 p.m.: Emmanuel Macron gives you a “meeting”

8:08 p.m .: It will also be broadcast on Twitch

7:47 p.m.: The interview with the President of the Republic begins at 8:20 p.m.

7:30 p.m.: Welcome to this Live

Hello everyone. Wednesday evening, 20 Minutes follows live the interview of the President of the Republic in the new broadcast of France 2 and during which will be discussed the themes of the war in Ukraine, the Russian strikes on civilian targets this week as well as the problems of fuel supplies that affect the French since the start of the strike in the refineries.

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