“On Hot”: This is how the car burglar in Bnei Brak was perceived

by time news
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In light of the wave of car break-ins and the theft of tools in Bnei Brak recently, it was decided last night (Monday to Tuesday) in the organization of the guards in the city to increase the night patrols in the designated areas.

In the early morning hours today (Tuesday), during a tour of a team of volunteers in the Shikun H area – an area that has been suffering from dozens of burglaries recently, one of the volunteers identified a suspect who was walking suspiciously between vehicles, on Ganei Gad Street.

The volunteer reported this to the organization’s hotline and remained in eye contact with the suspect. After a few minutes, the volunteer identified the suspect with a burglary tool in his hand – trying to break a car window using a sharp tool.

The volunteer called for more volunteers who arrived at the scene quickly and spotted the suspect as he smashed the car window and began searching inside for valuable loot. The volunteers who were following him approached him but the suspect began to flee.

After several minutes of chasing – the suspect was caught at the beginning of the street, in possession of advanced burglary tools.

The suspect, at the age of 40, is staying illegally, was arrested by patrol officers from the Dan area who led him to a further investigation at the police station and later it will be decided whether to bring him before a judge for the purpose of extending his detention.

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