On March 27, the theater – Kurier Wileński celebrates its holiday

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Justyna Giedrojc: Is the Polish Theater “Studio” getting ready to celebrate the festival of theaters?

Purple Pronounced: It so happened that every year we celebrate the International Theater Day with performances taking place as part of the “Idy Teatralne” Festival. This year, the holiday will be celebrated with the comedy of the Royal Theater in Trakai, “The Strange Couple”. This year’s edition of the festival will run from March 1 to May 30. The rich program offer includes theatrical performances and film screenings. This year, we have traditionally invited several theaters from Poland, domestic theaters will also perform, and we also have the opportunity to perform. We also remembered about our youngest viewers. Performances will take place on the stages of Vilnius, Troki, Nowa Wilejka, Solecznik, Jaszun and Nowe Święciany, Turmont. We also have two premieres. This year marks the 110th anniversary of the establishment of the Polish theater in Pohulanka. “Ida” and the premiere performances were dedicated to this date.

“Theater Ides 2023”. Festival programme. “Thought-out and tailored to your needs”

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What premieres are included in the festival programme?

On April 25, the Vilnius Old Theater in Vilnius will host the premiere of the play “Helver’s Night” directed by Jonas Vaitkus. Two actors will play in the play: Agnieszka Rawdo and Edward Kiejzik. The performance was created thanks to the cooperation of the Polish Studio Theater with an outstanding Lithuanian artist. Another premiere, to which I cordially invite you on May 16, is an extraordinary musical story about Hanka Ordonówna – an outstanding actress of the interwar period. Her biography is a ready-made script for a film, which is why there is no lack of fascinating threads. The role of Ordonówna will be played by Ewelina Saszenko, and Oskar Wygonowski will play the role of her husband, Count Michał Tyszkiewicz. The play covers Ordonówna’s period in Vilnius, which is why it is very important that the premiere will take place on the legendary stage of Vilnius Old Theatre, where one of the biggest stars performed. Sławomir Gaudyn wrote the script for the play I directed.

You always speak with great sentiment about the former Polish Theater in Pohulanka, now the Old Theater in Vilnius. Why is this theater such a magical place?

Throughout our lives, we played on the Pohulanki stage, that is, as much as our financial possibilities allowed us. In recent years, thanks to the help of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, the Foundation “Help Poles in the East” named after Jan Olszewski, we had more such opportunities. It used to be easy to rent a stage. The situation has deteriorated dramatically after the change of leadership of the then Russian drama. However, we still manage to exhibit plays. I have raised the issue of renting the stage here many times at various levels. In my opinion, Polish theaters should not pay for the opportunity to play in a theater that was founded years ago with contributions from the Polish community and was supposed to serve Poles. We like this theater very much, there is an unusual atmosphere here, despite everything, you can feel the Polish spirit here.

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PTS brings together a group of non-professional actors and professionals. Are there any young people in the team?

We are open to young people who want to try their hand at a real stage. Children and youth are our future. There are a lot of talented and nice young people who know what they want. I don’t do special castings, I give everyone a chance. Some come and stay for a long time, others leave after a week. We have many professional actors in the theater who have studied acting or directing: Agnieszka Rawdo, Oskar Wygonowski, Alina Masztaler, Edward Kiejzik, Czesław Sokołowski. Some play in Lithuanian theaters. Justyna Stankiewicz, Monika Jodko and Jola Gryniewicz have completed vocal studies. There are also non-professionals in the band who have been playing on stage for over 30 years. They can also be called professionals. These are Witek Rudzianiec, Marek Kubiak, Henryka Sokołowska and others. We work with actors from Poland, we have established contacts with Polish theaters from many countries, even as far away as Australia.

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You have been running the theater for over 30 years. Where do you draw your inspiration from?

You have to love your job and be with the people you work with. I learned this from my teachers – Janina Strużanowska and Lithuanian directors Vladas Sipaitis and Kazimiera Kimontaitė. I learned from them that if you really want something, you can achieve it. I remember when I came to the theater at the age of 15, I felt at home here. The theater has become a family that will listen, support and help. That’s why I’m trying to create a similar atmosphere now.

How did you get to the first Polish theater in post-war Vilnius founded by Janina Strużanowska?

At that time, I was a student of the 9th grade of secondary school No. 29, currently Gimnazjum im. Szymon Konarski. My first role was Marianna in Moliere’s comedy “Świętoszek”. After school, I first studied Polish studies, then directing.

Your son Edward followed in your footsteps. Are you happy with his choice?

Edek first wanted to try his hand at a different profession, but he gave it up during his studies. I learned that he is a student of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater when he became a student at this university. He is now a certified director. I used to support him, now he supports me.

Read more: Edward Kiejzik: I still hope for a beautiful life

What would you like to wish the actors, yourself and the audience on International Theater Day?

I wish my actors that they could act, create and, after the curtain falls, not think about where else they can make a living. So that they can receive a decent remuneration for their effort, passion and love for the stage. I also want to thank the Polish State, which constantly supports us financially. I wish our wonderful viewers that they would like to come to the theater, and we will make sure that there are plenty of performances. I also wish for peace to come and for everyone to be able to return to their normal lives peacefully.

This year’s edition of the “Theatre Ides” festival will last until May 30
| photo. Marian Paluszkiewicz

March 27 at 5:40 p.m On May 1, 2018, TVP Kultura will premiere the documentary “Lila Kiejzik – Portrait” directed by Agnieszka Wąsikowska.

April 1 at 15:00 the screening of the film will take place at the “Pasaka” cinema (ul. Paupio 26). Discussion after the show.

April 2 at 1:00 p.m the documentary will be broadcast on TVP Wilno.

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