On March 31, the collection of the bonus for farmers expires

by time news

Agricultural producers have until March 31 to collect the bonus corresponding to the “Recover Now” subsidy program (drought bonus), which the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Midagri) granted to farmers whose crops have been severely affected by the lack of rain in the high Andean areas in 2022.

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This is a subsidy for agricultural producers registered in the Register of Agricultural Producers, who have up to four hectares, for which they will receive 800 soles for each hectare, while in the case of alpacas breeders, they are assigned up to 266 soles per head of alpaca, up to a maximum of 12 units.

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This emergency measure contemplated the disbursement of 341.5 million soles and responds to Midagri’s commitment to small producers. The payment of the “Recover Now” bonus has been made through the different agencies of the Banco de la Nación, only by presenting your ID.

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