On migration issues, a less and less tense opinion

by time news

2023-06-16 12:21:50

“There are too many immigrants in France. » This could be summarized as the majority opinion that permeates society, if we rely on the polls that test this idea, like the tenth wave of the “French Fractures” studyproduced at the end of 2022 by Ipsos-Sopra Steria for The worldthe Jean Jaurès Foundation and the Cevipof and according to which 66% of French people find themselves in the affirmation according to which there are too many foreigners.

“This observation has been widely shared in public opinion for at least twenty years”, abounds Jérôme Fourquet, director of the opinion department of the FIFG. But this provision must be nuanced. As many as they may think, the French do not make the subject a priority. At the question “What are the three issues that concern you the most on a personal level? » and among eleven choices, 18% of French people choose immigration, behind purchasing power (54%), environmental protection (34%), the future of the social system (26%) and delinquency ( 18%).

“There is a discrepancy between a discourse which consists in saying that there is a phenomenon of saturation and opinion which is rather in the process of relaxing”supports Emmanuel Rivière, director of international studies and political advice at Kantar Public.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers On immigration, the left seeks to make its voice heard

Some analysts go further. Sociologist at Sciences Po Bordeaux, Vincent Tiberj considers that “the argument of public opinion is part of the rhetoric of actors who have an interest in having their subject talked about rather than, for example, social inequalities”. In fact, he argues, “French people’s opinion depends on the question they are asked”. “Attitudes towards immigration are malleable and depend on the framing that is made of itsupports Tristan Guerra, political scientist at Sciences Po Grenoble. And the anti-immigration may be inclined to compromise on this subject if they are given a different discourse. »

“A social divide”

According to the April 2022 barometer of the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH), which has been conducted face-to-face every year since 1990 with more than a thousand respondents, 72% of French believe that the presence of immigrants is a source of cultural enrichment, and 81% believe that immigrant workers should be considered at home in France because they contribute to the French economy. “This generally positive position on immigrants does not prevent the maintenance of certain critical positions, 52% of French people believing that many immigrants come to France only to benefit from social protection and 35% that immigration is the main cause of insecurity”underlines the CNCDH.

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