On Newsstand in the Fatto Quotidiano of 10 March: Bombs on the Moscow hospital stands up to sanctions

by time news

Planetary faux pas

Salvini shouts at the “world conspiracy”

Paranoia – The Northern League’s suspicions about services and melons after the fool in Poland


Wind power in Sicily: right, Renziani and Pd save Siri, Salvini’s loyalist

The former yellow-green undersecretary


“You used our children as cannon fodder”

The revolt of the mothers of the soldiers at the front

Press & propaganda

“What a mistake for TV to leave Moscow”

Chroniclers in the trenches – Suber (Mediaset): “Ukraine is more risky”. Cashiers (Rai): “The BBc is back”

War of symbols

In Cavriago, the town of Orietta Berti, there is a quarrel over Lenin’s bust: “Via in Russia” “No, stay”

Knowing in order to deliberate, they say. But also to argue, we should have the situation under hand. Otherwise we end up in the historical and logical tumble of those who asked that the bust of Vladimir Ilych Lenin, placed in the homonymous Lenin square, be removed in Cavriago, the little Italian Pietruburgo, a town on the outskirts of Reggio Emilia. […]

Cartabia will decide

Dap, green light from the CSM upon Renoldi’s arrival. Di Matteo: “No, he delegitimized the Department”

The official appointment of Carlo Renoldi as head of the Dap, which administers the prisons, is approaching. Yesterday, the plenum of the CSM, by an overwhelming majority, approved the out of role of the current Cassation advisor overwhelmed by political controversy for his offensive statements on the world of anti-mafia. A foregone vote yesterday, given that in this area the […]


They are healed but without pass. The “bug” that punishes doctors

Covid-19 – By law they must have done the 3rd dose to work: the national platform, however, does not recognize the failure to booster

Question time

Land registry and Russian gas: a nervous breakdown in the classroom for Draghi

When, after an hour and a half of question time, Mario Draghi abandons the usual attitude of studied coldness and modulated cordiality, one almost expects to see him take off his jacket and abandon the government desks in Montecitorio. Obviously he doesn’t. But the answer he gives to Francesco Lollobrigida (Brothers of Italy) on the alleged increase in […]

Turn around

“Serious facts”: in 2019 the dems raised the moral issue


The case

A fictitious company turned over the funds of the Senate to Morisi & C.

Public Money – Illegal System

Reform, towards trust

CSM, in the government clash over revolving doors and careers

The parties are attacking the reform of the CSM. Today the deadlines for the presentation of the amendments to the “Cartabia” expire and a battle in the majority is announced. The toughest fight will be on revolving doors: the Democratic Party will present proposals to reduce the settling time of the heads of the cabinet to return to the judiciary (from 3 to […]

M5s and Fdi opposed

Sale of Rai Way, Supervision calls Fuortes and Giorgetti

Economics Ministers, Daniele Franco, and Development Ministers, Giancarlo Giorgetti, together with Rai CEO Carlo Fuortes, were called to Rai Supervision to give explanations on the Dpcm that allows Viale Mazzini to drop below 51% of its stake in Rai Way, the subsidiary that manages the transmission towers (the roof is now 65%) […]

The data for January

Bad news: industrial production down (-3.4%)

The data is very bad, the second negative month in a row, and signals what everyone knows apart from the media: the Italian post-Covid recovery in fact had already stopped between the end of 2021 and the beginning of the year. The above data is industrial production, which last year had led the rebound after […]

Court of Appeal of Milan

He killed his 2-year-old son, canceled his life sentence

The judges of the Court of Assizes of Appeal of Milan imposed 28 years in prison on the 26-year-old of Croatian origin Alija Hrustic, overturning the first degree sentence with which the man was sentenced to life imprisonment for having voluntarily tortured and killed the son Mehmed, aged two and five months. The corpse of the child, tortured, was […]

“It’s just rudeness”

He said: “You deserve rape” Prosecutor: “Archive”

The Turin prosecutor has archived the file resulting from the complaint presented in 2018 by the then Piedmontese regional councilor Nadia Conticelli, now leader of the Pd group in the city council in Turin, who was the target of hate sentences online. Taking up a comment in which the councilor, discussing immigration, hoped that Matteo Salvini (at the time Minister of the Interior) would end […]

Eight precautionary measures

Turin, luxury parties with rape drugs

The carabinieri carried out eight precautionary measures between Turin and Lecce against seven men and one woman, accused in various ways of aggravated sexual violence, robbery and drug dealing. A male prostitution ring was uncovered which involved some young drug addicts, who were lured into the Piedmontese capital and induced into prostitution […]

The illness of the minister

Bianchi feels bad, Locatelli welcomes him to the Bambin Gesù

Minister Patrizio Bianchi, 69, in recent weeks was subjected to a diagnostic check at the Bambino Gesù hospital in Rome after suffering from illness, a visit obtained in a few hours thanks to the interest of the President of the Higher Health Council, Franco Locatelli . Therefore without reservations or compliance with waiting lists. The story, told yesterday […]


The Sultan accuses Israel of snatching the talks

Double play. It sells drones in Kiev and buys missiles from the Russians


China is at the crossroads: break with Putin or the West?

Beijing – Risk of isolation

War in Ukraine

Crossroads for sanctions, Moscow does not collapse: furthermore, there is a risk of market crisis

Putin dances on default

It is worth 700 million

The suspicion: “Putin’s yacht in Italy”? Investigate Finance

The Guardia di Finanza is carrying out investigations on the Scheherazade, a yacht of 140 meters, and a value of about 700 million euros, moored in Marina di Carrara. The yellow flames are trying to figure out if you belong to one of the oligarchs targeted by EU sanctions. The currency unit of the Rome Finance Police is […]

War in Ukraine

Among the souls under siege of Kiev

The reportage – False stillness. Lines at the supermarket, construction of trenches, while civilians injured by the Russians are treated in hospitals

The company

Endurance wreck found lost in Antarctica in 1915

The wreck of the Endurance was found 3,000 meters deep in the Weddel Sea. Made in Norway, the Endurance was chosen by the famous British explorer Ernest Shackleton to carry out one of the most ambitious missions of the time: crossing the Antarctic continent on foot and by sled. However, the mission failed even before starting because […]

Everything starts with NATO

Putin learned his lesson from us

The expansion of the Atlantic Alliance against its own. Treaty is the main cause of the confrontation. The false idealism of the ‘liberals’ pushes the US to adventure. We did the same in Serbia

Charlotte Gainsbourg

“I’ll tell you who was mom”

Actress and director – “I wish I was her”

Fresh off the press

“Intelligence is a weapon, but Italians are pacifists”

The geneticist and philosopher Boncinelli has collected his witty and sharp aphorisms in an “Arcibaldone” in which he makes fun of science and faith, love and psychoanalysis

The anniversary

“Giangi” aka “Osvaldo”: Feltrinelli’s dreams burned on the pylon

50 years after the death of the “armed” publisher

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