On Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of 1 February: The M5s leader tells the “Fatto” about the days of the Quirinale

by time news

Strong powers

From drink maker to statesman like Moro: the elites incense “Giggino”

They called him a drinker, praised his curriculum with giggles and elbows, kept track of the wrong subjunctives, clumsy pronunciations and sallies to the balcony. Not anymore: Luigi Di Maio has become a statesman. The press and liberal public opinion are finally persuaded by the boy’s qualities. Which in the meantime has been done […]

Right in the rubble

Salvini halved goes to B .: the League wants to take FI

To try to get out of the corner, Matteo Salvini uses the tool he likes best: the intercom. And this time, after probing (and burning) a dozen candidates for the Colle, he turns to Silvio Berlusconi. He wants to make an axis with him against Giorgia Meloni who has taken over the coalition (“it must be refounded”), denying the […]

Mattarella bis

An applause and then nothing: Draghi’s coldness and the ministers who are already fighting

Giancarlo Giorgetti yells at Roberto Speranza, Renato Brunetta takes it out on Roberto Garofoli. The climate of the first Council of Ministers after the scorching, paroxysmal days of the election of the President of the Republic is cold, and at the same time very nervous. Mario Draghi absolutely pretends nothing has happened. He concedes nothing to the members of his government, not even in […]

The interview – Gaetano Azzariti

“An encore at Colle risk: 14 years of regime time”

If the exception – the re-election of Giorgio Napolitano – becomes practice – the encore of Sergio Mattarella, even in a context of health emergency, then we are faced with a “constitutional forcing”. This is said by Gaetano Azzariti, constitutionalist of Sapienza concerned by the scenes of jubilation that still, after days, surround the vote for the […]

18 year old died

The protests told by the students

Rome “The school-work? He killed Lorenzo, before many accidents. It should be abolished “” We students want to have a say in how the funds of the NRP will be invested. Surely not in the alternation-school-work, which must be abolished, or in the dad. We need to rethink the school world once and for all “. Simone Chaez is 18, but already clear ideas. […]

“Best” armchairs

Mps, Draghi & C. they want out the ad: “Phase changed”

Alle usual – Bastianini summoned to the Treasury to impose his resignation. Reason: he was appointed by the previous government. Worse only Padoan with Viola in 2016


The vote? Better the lamb from Razzi & C.

Dinner – During the election for the hill, toasts and jokes with Sgarbi and the former senator


Covid, CDM “light”: the school is in disaster, but it can be expected

Prolonged obligation of masks


“It’s Draghi”: the deadliest press in politics

Autopsy of the was information

Mario Monti

“Destabilized by the Premier”

The similarities between their governments have been stressed several times. Mario Monti and Mario Draghi, both former central bankers invoked as saviors of the homeland by a certain politics (and by almost the entire Italian press). The Quirinal match, however, offers Monti, now a senator for life, the opportunity to express all his perplexities […]

Christian Democrats

Renzi and Toti for the Center: but now Casini is holding back

Until a week ago they were plagued. In the center-right they forgot to invite them to the top and in the Democratic Party they were looked at with icy detachment. And instead today they are re-evaluated, in the middle of the scene, giving the cards. We are talking about the centrists, or that galaxy of acronyms, small parties and clips that, also due to the inability of others, were […]

Sanremo Young too

Procurement in Rai, Gdf executive arrested in Viale Mazzini

Auction disruption and corruption. With these accusations, the head of Rai’s Purchasing Department, Gianluca Ronchetti, ended up under house arrest along with two entrepreneurs, the brothers Giorgio and Andrea Gnoli. The latter, through the company Ageas (no longer attributable to them), would have obtained direct assignments in the sector of porterage and labor services for […]

investigation in rimini

440 million scam on Covid bonuses: “Virus brings good”

They had created about 100 fictitious companies to collect the “lease”, “earthquake” and “facades” bonus money. Thus they had set up a maxi-scam through the creation and marketing of false tax credits and now 78 people are being investigated by the Rimini Public Prosecutor’s Office. Yesterday the Gdf carried out 35 precautionary measures, of which 8 in […]

Inail data

Deaths at work, 1,221 in 2021: close to 2019 levels (but there were more people employed for more hours)

The official counter says that the deaths at work have decreased somewhat in 2021, but the reality is that they have increased and by a lot. Fatal accidents in factories, construction sites and fields have almost returned to the levels of 2019, the last year in which production activities have not suffered stops imposed by the emergency […]

Between newspapers and radio test

Alto Adige, the Ebner group and the information monopoly

In the realm of the TV duopoly and the conflict of interests, there is a “black hole” that captures the pluralism of information. In Trentino-Alto Adige, and in particular in Bolzano, there is an editorial group which, in spite of constitutional principles and EU regulations, controls almost 80% of the regional market by itself. It is called “Athesia”, it is made up of numerous […]

One is the brother of a repentant

Ambush in Scampia, in 2 killed by the assassins

Two men, 45-year-old Pasquale Torre and 35-year-old Giuseppe Di Napoli, were killed in the Don Guanella neighborhood in Naples. The hit men would have gone into action riding one or more scooters. The victims were in cars. Di Napoli got out of the car and tried to escape but the killers have him […]

It is in Brazil

Robinho “rapist”, ready arrest warrant for the former Milan

It is unlikely that Brazil will hand him over to the Italian authorities but, in the event that the former AC Milan striker Robinho decides to leave the country, he would risk being arrested. It is the effect of the final sentence of 9 years of imprisonment imposed on him and a friend of his, last January 19, for group sexual violence against a girl […]

Chaos togas

Eni case and Hungary lodge: CSM shipping to Milan

The Clash – The commission examines the climate inside the Prosecutor’s Office. Hear from prosecutors Storari and De Pasquale. The added: “There are no more tensions”

War with Total

Saipem, blow on the six-legged dog

Collapse on the stock market – the civil war in Mozambique sinks the accounts, the shareholders will have to inject 4 billion

Towards the sale

Ita, ok on the industrial plan (among the poisons)

The company – slips the issue of remuneration, cold war between president Altavilla and ad Lazzerini

Doubts about the audience

Dazn, Agcom requires Auditel. The football on the platform has halved the ratings

Remember the skirmishes at the beginning of the championship, September 2021, when the audience figures of the first Serie A matches communicated by Dazn, and supplied to it by the private institute Nielsen, were higher, if not double, than those detected by Auditel ? Understanding something was impossible. According to Dazn, the audience of the first days of Aerie A was level […]

The complaint of “fish”

Disabled, increased pensions but there is a cut in “income”

Citizenship income reduced or zeroed for families with disabled people. “It is yet another paradox of a strong state with the weak and weak with the strong”, denounces the Italian Federation for overcoming the handicap (Fish), which is becoming the spokesperson for the families who have seen their Rdc in the case in […]

“Insufficient elements”

Archived the two marò “Impossible process”

The Gipdi Roma has closed the investigation into Salvatore Girone and Massimiliano Latorre, regarding the affair of two fishermen killed by gunshots in February 2012 off the coast of Kerala, India. On the case in Piazzale Clodio, a file for voluntary murder had been open since 2012. The two fusiliers were […]

The results of the power of attorney

Aosta, over 95% of the files processed in 2021

An exchange rate of the dossiers of 101.72% (more processed than occurred), that of disposal at 95.69% (162 pending versus 3,302 completed proceedings) and an average time of definition of the models of 18 days. Data for which the Aosta Public Prosecutor’s Office believes that for 2021, among the offices of similar size, “if not the […]

Covid Party

BoJo and “failed leadership”: apologies and embarrassment in London

The Gray report whips the prime minister who fa mea culpa, but does not give up: “Having understood the lesson, I will act” The opposition: “Resign”

Crisis Ukraine Russia: “Our attack is a US invention: that’s what they did in Iraq”

The battle between the US and Russia over the Ukrainian affair moved to the UN Security Council. The “deployment of military forces in the Russian territory” does not mean that there will be “an act of invasion, these are first grounded accusations” said the representative of Moscow, Vasily Nebenzya, who tried yesterday, […]

The analysis

The “indestructible socialist” avoids trouble for Portugal

Majority in Parliament – By aiming to reduce the working week and the minimum wage, Costa has cornered the “exorbitant” demands of the ultra-left


Vaccines and protests, Trudeau escapes

The march of the truckers – The premier, positive, taken by the police to a safe place


Parliament of Tobruk: a new premier on February 8, but without elections

Abdehamid Dbeibah, Libyan prime minister whose mandate ended on December 24th, will be replaced on February 8th. This is the date on which a new Libyan prime minister will be chosen, the Tobruk parliament reported yesterday at the end of a session of the House of Representatives. He also confirmed this […]


The third term of Amadeus. The newfound lightness

25 tracks in the competition: closes at 2 am


“I bring the life that De André sang to the Festival”

Giovanni Truppi – He is one of the most popular independent musicians: “I feel like the son of the ‘maestro’ Faber”

“Corsair” writers

Pasolini and Chiaromonte, giants with mixed fortunes: the first praised, the other forgotten

As is well known, there are two anniversaries to celebrate this year: the centenary of the birth of Pier Paolo Pasolini, on March 5, and the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Nicola Chiaromonte, last January 18. For the latter there is a Meridiano Mondadori curated by Raffaele Manica, while for Pasolini many books, exhibitions, reprints and television broadcasts are announced. The essayist […]

Book in drops

Buzzati crime reporter, from crimes to “pimps”

Twenty-four. “Then comes the case of Mr. William Esetl Benson, and we are perplexed. As far as the laconic news suggests, he has always been a bad guy, a bitch, a slacker, a riotous. The classic type that would be said to be constitutionally alien to conscience scruples and psychological disturbances. Yet, after 24 […]

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