On newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of 29 July: Fauci: “Vaccinated or not identical contagiousness”

by time news


Green Pass, Draghi sells to Salvini The measures for the school have been postponed

The fourth wave

from Giacomo Salvini and comments collected by L. Giar.


Salvaladri: endless negotiation and ghost text. But Conte doesn’t give up

The amendments to the penal bill


The reforms of the “best” remain at stake

The roadmap promised to the EU is overdue

from Luciano Cerasa, Patrizia De Rubertis and Roberto Rotunno

The contracts

Presta’s cell phone under X-rays: the prosecutors are looking for chats with Renzi

Copied the contents of the agent’s cell phone

Fire on the island

While Sardinia was burning, Solinas was at the wedding of the daughter of his “Mister Wolf”

While Sardinia was on fire, what did the governor Christian Solinas do? Did he manage the operations? Did he participate in crisis tables? Did he issue orders and receive reports? None of this: on Saturday 24 July – when the flames were already destroying the Oristano – the governor was very busy celebrating a wedding. The Fact is indeed able […]

The letters

Wiretapping and state secret: this is how Bergoglio framed Becciu

Vatican – In the investigation of the Cardinal, the pope has established new rules: more powers for magistrates

come, let us worship

The pious Marians in procession for the Sacred Heart of Dragons

Directors and journalists in the procession

from Pinco Pallo

The interview

“This will increase the number of people unpunished for the mafia”

Domenico Gallo

Referendum: Salvini enlists Totò Cuffaro, Paolo B. and Alemanno

The variegated universe of the promoters of the Justice referendum is enriched every day with imaginative surprises. Alongside Lega and Radicali – an already unusual combination – prejudiced and unpresentable are coming forward, in love like Matteo Salvini and Emma Bonino with the separation of careers, the civil liability of prosecutors, limitations […]

The interview

“There are too many interests. The government does not choose and so they are wrapped “

Vincenzo Visco

from Lu. What the

In the company

Sterilgarda: without a certificate, no salary for workers

Safeguard the health and workplace of its employees by imposing the green pass. The decision comes from Sterilgarda, a Mantuan company among the first milk producers in Italy: it announced to its 300 employees that from September those who will be without green certification, “due to failure to undergo the vaccination process”, will hold a different position […]

Inquiry into Fontana

Coat case, here is the “save-brother-in-law” draft resolution

A “draft” of the resolution that should have transformed the sale into a “donation”. The document was deposited in the proceedings of the investigation into the President of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, under investigation in Milan for fraud in public supplies in the case of the 75 thousand gowns supplied to the regional agency Aria dalla Dama Spa, led by Fontana’s brother-in-law, Andrea Dini. . There […]

The festival

A tribute to Franca Valeri against the landfill in Tivoli

“We will be there next to our monuments as sentinels, to prevent this last part of the ancient Agro Romano still intact from being irreparably compromised by landfills and overbuilding”. Urbano Barberini, former councilor for culture of Tivoli, has been fighting for years against the landfill projects in the area around Villa Adriana, outside Rome, on which at the moment […]

Busy building

CasaPound, the process for the removal of Raggi begins: “I said it, the laws are respected”

The occupation of CasaPound in the building in the center of Rome has its days numbered. Or at least this is what emerges from the outcome of yesterday’s meeting between the mayor (now outgoing) Virginia Raggi and the prefect Matteo Piantedosi. The summit decided that the next meeting of the Committee for order and security will arrange the census of the occupants of the […]

from Wine. Bis.

The interview

“With the excuse of Covid, the Kremlin cuts off Navalny candidates”

In addition to the Delta variant that is rampant in the Federation, there is another epidemic that the Kremlin wants to cure on the eve of the parliamentary elections next September: that of dissent. From one side of the country to the other, in recent months, repeated roundups of arrests have left opponents and journalists in handcuffs, whose independent newspapers have been banned. […]

from Michela AG Iaccarino


After the coup, Ennahda is under investigation for illicit funds

Saied does not back down – President removes 20 other senior officials, while Islamist majority formation must explain foreign funding for latest elections


The parable of the billionaire: from hero to enemy of the Dragon

Trial – “He instigated the mob against the state”

The interview

“The real lesson of Proietti, cheesecake and botany”

Gabriele Corsi – The actor of the Trio Medusa, and much more (now he hosts “The farmer looking for a wife”), turns 50, amidst laughter, waste, theater and TV


Chronicler homeless “Bar Fusco”. From boxing to the “World”

Toothless, ironic, alcoholic: a champion


“Temptation Island” mania. But it’s just a copy and paste

The successful television formats, from the island of temptations (27.4% share for the last episode) to “MasterChef” and “X-Factor”, are all foreign imports

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