On Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of February 16: “New Tangentopoli on the billions of the PNRR”

by time news

M5S – The leader: “Yes to legal cannabis”

Grillo blinds Conte: “No changes to the two mandates”

The guarantor does not want to give in to the last remaining rule, the last pillar. And it can be the card that extinguishes and resolves the 5 Star war. So the best of favors for the leader, Giuseppe Conte. Because the bond between the two terms is not touched, Beppe Grillo leaked yesterday afternoon. “It is an identity rule” he reiterates to various people […]

The best – Yesterday the council of ministers

Beaches, Italian reform: yes to competitions, protection to bathing establishments

Approved – From 2023 stop to extensions, but in the calls for preferential lanes to current dealers. Nothing on the free coasts

Referendum – Today the other verdicts

The Consulta rejects the question on the end of life: “Inacceptable”

The referendum on euthanasia is inadmissible. The sentence will be filed in the next few days, but as of yesterday evening we know that the Constitutional Court has taken this decision because “following the repeal, albeit partial, of the law on the murder of the consenting party, which the question aims at, it would not be preserved the minimum constitutionally necessary protection of human life, in general, e […]

Covid-19 – Guido Silvestri speaks

“The pandemic emergency in the West is now over”

“I believe that the pandemic as a health emergency is now over in Western countries”. This is exactly how Professor Guido Silvestri replies from Emory University in Atlanta: “I think it’s over now”. Professor, another wave is underway in Hong Kong. Is it the last act in Italy? Whether it’s the last act, or rather, the last wave, I’d say no. […]

Control officers

Gran Sasso laboratories, little security (and salaries cut)

Today Draghi’s visit – No protocol classified as high risk fire places, workers are framed as doormen


Ukraine makes them rich: the big guns rejoice

Missiles, mines, tanks, etc. Tensions with Russia set off stocks and supplies. Only the US ones are worth 2.7 billion A market that hasn’t even suffered from Covid

The preview

“Marguerite despised, mocked and splashed with mud in the street”

The first suicidal heroine, the prototype of Emma Bovary


Salvini presses on Amato: “Say yes to Justice”. But Meloni and FI take off

IN crisis – Matteo needs the electoral campaign

Bills – The government plan in the Dl

The not very “green” pact with the giants: more gas in exchange for discounts

There is a real plan, the energy crisis that blows up bills. But there is also a plan on which political pressure is released to partially cancel the tightening on drilling set up in recent years, and which takes advantage of the energy crisis. The government plan begins to take shape. Let’s go in order. […]

“Colle Model”

The Democratic Party is courting the League: “Choose the proportional”

Dario Franceschini calls the “moderate league”. He does so in an interview with Repubblica in which he sets himself the high-sounding goal of “changing the political system”. A program as vast as it is vague. However, this actually translates – at least – into a first step to be achieved: the change in the electoral law. Franceschini points – like practically everything […]

Anti-covid standard

The Chamber discusses the Christmas decree. And the executive places yet another confidence

The script has been the same for months. Parliament sees anti-Covid decrees arrived weeks ago and with a completely different epidemiological framework, the opposition protests, the majority sketches, the government places its trust. It went like this this time too, with the Chamber yesterday spending the day discussing a decree passed at Christmas, that […]

Regional / 1 – Sicily

The war of the Azzurri clans against the “Renziano” Miccichè

The former viceroy of Forza Italia is self-nominated as president and wants to ally with the Iv and the Pd, but there is the opposition of Schifani and Dell’Utri

Regional / 2 – 5 Star Movement

From Lombardo to the League: the tour of the former Hyena

Dino Giarrusso wants to be governor and also meets his opponents

The appeals

A thousand academics against the green pass. Even for virologists “now it is no longer needed”

More than a thousand, mostly professors, researchers and technicians from universities and research institutions, have signed the open letter to the Prime Minister against the green pass. They criticize the measures of the decree of 7 January which extended the vaccination obligation against Covid to university staff and all […]

1 and 2 March: “A shame for the lack of compensation”

The trade union organizations Smi and Simet have called a strike for all the doctors in the affiliated area, with the closure of the clinics on 1 and 2 March, the day they will be in Rome to protest in front of the Ministry of Health: ” category is palpable, unsustainable workloads, lack of safeguards, aberrant bureaucracy […]

The anniversary

What remains: the lies of the Tangentari Party and the thanks of the honest ones

What remains of Clean Hands, the largest investigation into corruption in the history of Europe and therefore of the world, 30 years later? The dominant vulgate says that nothing remains, because corruption has continued and perhaps even increased since then, albeit in different forms. But an investigation is not judged by the number of similar crimes […]

From S. Pietro to the island

Sassari, Becciu’s brother under investigation. PM: “Recycling”

The Sassari Public Prosecutor’s Office is investigating for money laundering the Spes social cooperative, which is legally referred to Antonino Becciu, brother of the former deputy secretary of state of the Vatican, Giovanni Angelo Becciu. Antonino Becciu is under investigation in Sassari, the cardinal is out investigating. Angelo Becciu, on the other hand, is charged Oltretevere with abuse of office and embezzlement. Sardinian magistrates are investigating them […]

From Palermo to Rome (Eur)

The “friend” of the boss Guttadauro is the leader of the Democratic Party: “He told me: ‘Check who I am on the web'”

Adriano Burgio, the former flight attendant for the Rome prosecutors “friend” and “available” to the boss Giuseppe Guttadauro (related to Matteo Messina Denaro), is the group leader of the Democratic Party at Municipio IX Eur in Rome. A post obtained with just 200 votes in the March elections. Burgio (not investigated) was “self-suspended” yesterday since […]

Ancona, file open

Died at 16 in an internship. “He shouldn’t have gone out”

The Ancona Public Prosecutor’s Office will open a file for road murder in relation to the death of Giuseppe Lenoci, the 16-year-old originally from Monte Urano (Fermo), a student of the Artigianelli vocational training center in Fermo who died on Monday in a road accident while traveling to Serra de ‘Conti (Ancona) in the van of a thermo-hydraulic company in the […]

Bari, arrested 51 years old

Rape, former teacher also taught after 2 sentences

A 51-year-old former teacher residing in the province of Bari was arrested for aggravated sexual violence and aggravated extortion against a minor pupil. The investigations of the Power Prosecutor’s Office concern an episode that occurred in 2016, when the man taught law in a higher institute in the province of Potenza: after having invited him to his […]

it is in brazil

Robinho convicted of rape in Milan, there is an arrest warrant

The Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office forwarded the extradition request and the international arrest warrant to the Ministry of Justice for the former AC Milan striker, Robinho, who was definitively sentenced, together with a friend, on January 19 to 9 years for sexual violence group on a 23-year-old Albanian, who was abused in a club on […]

Spy satellites

Maxar, the US space eye with troubles on the ground

The eyes of the world are fixed on the crisis in Ukraine, but the lens through which they peer at it is opaque. The images of Russian troops massed on the border with Kiev, as well as those of the recent eruption of the underwater volcano in Tonga, have a signature: that of Maxar Technologies, a Delaware company with headquarters […]


The Moratti health care reform rejected by Rome: “There is too much private”

Make a good face and minimize. Even bordering on the ridiculous. This is the team order of Attilio Fontana and Letizia Moratti, on the findings and requests for changes, moved by the Ministries of Health, Finance and Justice to the Lombard health reform. Three letters asking for rectifications and underlining inconsistencies in the text of the law intended to manage […]

From Region 100,000

Canalis and the “golden” spot with Liguria money

A 31-second spot, at a cost of € 100,000, or € 9,677 per second. Paid with public money. So much did Elisabetta Canalis cost to the Liguria Region, which hired her as a testimonial for a promotional message aired during the last Sanremo Festival. The contract, stipulated with Piermia srl ​​(a Sassari company […]

“It’s not the Arena”

The pro Eni video and that dialogue that not even Eni has used

The video in which the former Eni executive, Vincenzo Armanna, in 2014, two days before appearing in the prosecutor’s office in Milan, announces to Piero Amara, at the time highly paid external lawyer of the oil company, that “an avalanche of shit ”, was broadcast in the last episode of Non è l’Arena on La7. The video is found by the carabinieri […]

The Ukrainian crisis

Putin does not fire a shot. “But the born behind the house is not”

Maneuvers and diplomacy – Russia announces a partial withdrawal of troops, the US and the Alliance are cautious, the German Scholz: “A good sign”

Fly process

Embezzlement: Navalny risks another 15 years

“My processes” are always particular, but here they have gone beyond all limits “. Thus Alexej Navalny, the Russian dissident already in prison, commented yesterday morning on the hearing of the new trial against him: he is accused of embezzlement and contempt of the Court, he risks another 15 years in prison. The trial is held in a penal colony […]

London – The Epstein case

Abuse, Andrew pays and avoids Giuffre’s lawsuit

No court for Andrew. The third son of Queen Elizabeth and Virginia Giuffre have reached an out-of-court agreement which, in exchange for an undisclosed sum, closes their civil dispute. Giuffre accused the prince of being one of the VIPs of the wide circle of sexual exploitation of minors created by the American financier Jeffrey […]

Dying for Ukraine?

The pantomime of the West

The provocation of NATO – The post-Soviet degeneration of those lands is the black hole of Europe, the precipice where our bad conscience goes to lose, between forgotten massacres and Atlanticist ambitions

The unpublished

Flaubert at the age of 9 discovered “the orgies of the imagination”

Two early stories by the French writer, between literature and “exaltation”

Berlinale 72

Paolo’s homage to his brother Vittorio (Taviani) travels with Pirandello’s ashes and dreams of the Bear

He is the only compatriot in competition

Football, yesterday’s assembly

Lega A, Bonomi flop: the smoke still black

Carlo Bonomi did not make it, at least for the moment. The assembly of the Serie A League that should have elected the new president ended with a black smoke. During the second vote yesterday morning there were 19 blank ballots and 1 vote for the president of Confindustria. The quorum for […]

Winter Olympics

Sofia, “Quicksilver”: crystal body and steel head

Just 23 days after a disabling accident, Goggia gives the Swiss Sutter the victory in the free for only 16 cents. Third Delago

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