On Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano on February 24: Ukraine Crisis – Moscow goodbye: Draghi under Biden’s orders

by time news

On the field

The US in Kiev: “Moscow invades in 48 hours”

The alert – Reservists mobilized


Freedom day on April 1st. “The emergency is over”

The announcement – “Stop ffp2 at school and quarantines, off the colors”

Caso Open

“The shield also to the mafia”: the vote on Renzi gives hope to all criminals

The day after Palazzo Madama – For the Senate, chats that cannot be used even for non-parliamentarians: so it will be enough to talk to a politician


Mild without gas and without director. The dg of security is retired

Last minute call in full crisis: 120 hours to find it


Anti-pm vote and minimum wage: Conte stakes in the wide field

Split – Friction between the sides of the two former premier: the position of the Democrats weighs on Renzi. The lawyer: “No to abstract formulas”


“Thus Tiziano Renzi strengthened Russo’s influence on Marroni”

The reasons for the sentence on Verdini, sentenced to 1 year for disturbance

In what state

Blind justice: steals smoked cheese and bacon, 2 years of trial

Rita’s story – 6 euro of “theft”. Then the acquittal

Pietro Grasso – LeU

“Abnormal claim that has nothing to do with law”

Senator Grasso, what impression did the classroom vote leave you? The Senate has been drawn into a dispute that has nothing to do with the law. The right wanted to give a further blow to the judiciary in view of its referendums on justice. On the left, more attention was paid to relationships than to merit […]


The parties in defense of Matteo thinking about their suspects

Saving Matteo Renzi is like lighting a candle for the many brothers subjected to martyrdom by the magistrates. Silvio Berlusconi, Armando Siri, Matteo Salvini, Attilio Fontana. All deserving of a prayer from the highest House, that is the Senate that two days ago voted to raise the attribution conflict on the Open investigation. In the explanations of vote, […]


“Gradual end on the Green pass”. But M5S and Lega don’t fit in

Blitz – today in the chamber vote on two odg for the abolition. the obligation to work remains

Fact checking

The Democratic Party accuses the prosecutors of subversion, then whistles

Open case – Fassino and Parrini on Renzi: it is only a procedural question. But is not so

She was killed in Macerata

Pamela, the Supreme Court orders a new appeal for the rape: a life sentence in Oseghale at risk

The Supreme Court confirmed the conviction for murder of Innocent Oseghale, the Nigerian already convicted in the first and second degree for the killing and vilification of the corpse of Pamela Mastropietro, the 18-year-old Roman killed and torn to pieces in Macerata in January 2018. But for the aggravating circumstance of sexual violence Oseghale will have to face a […]

“La Molisana” stops

Expensive fuel, blockade of trucks from north to south

From Calabria, Campania, Puglia, but also in the port of Ravenna: the protests of trucks against expensive fuel multiplied yesterday on the roads of Italy, which risks heavily penalizing the road transport and large-scale distribution sector . Dozens of Calabrian hauliers organized sit-ins near the A2 junctions of Gioia Tauro and […]

The investigation on viale Mazzini

Gare Rai, ‘other managers on Gnoli’s payroll’

“Not only Ronchetti”. The alleged “illicit relationship” between the members of the Gnoli family, under investigation for rigged contracts in Rai, was not exclusive to Gianluca Ronchetti, the former Purchasing Director of Viale Mazzini, arrested for corruption. According to Edoardo Gnoli, one of the entrepreneurs under investigation, according to which – explain the prosecutors – “in the past it was […]

Ex Fi, fugitive in Dubai

Loans of 10 million assets in Matacena

Assets worth over 10 million euros were released from the former Forza Italia parliamentarian, Amedeo Matacena, and from his ex-wife, Chiara Rizzo. This was decided by the Court of Assizes of Appeal of Reggio Calabria which accepted the appeal of the lawyers Candido Bonaventura, Corrado Politi and Enzo Caccavari. The seals were released in December 2017 when the […]

“Close to the Iannazzo clan”

Lamezia, 800 million seized from entrepreneurs

Maxi-sequestering 800 million in Lamezia Terme to entrepreneurs Francesco, Pasqualino and Marcello Perri. At the request of the Dda of Catanzaro, the “Due Mari” shopping center, one of the largest in Calabria, was seized. The prosecutors, led by the prosecutor Nicola Gratteri, hit the Perri empire believed to be close to the Iannazzo clan: 19 hypermarkets, commercial companies and shareholdings […]

For the ex-husband and the hitman

Murder Ilenia Fabbri, asked for two life sentences

After an hour and a half of indictment, the Ravenna prosecutors concluded asking for a life sentence for Claudio Nanni, ex-husband and considered the instigator of the murder of Ilenia Fabbri and for Pierluigi Barbieri, accused of being the material executor of the crime, committed on February 6, 2021 in Faenza. The prosecutors defined the attitude as “raving and incredible” […]

Rome, “racist” stalking

He beats and spies on his wife. In a professional cell

He spied on her by connecting to the camera of the beauty salon where she worked. She beat her in front of everyone. He also insulted her with racist epithets. RC, a 61-year-old Roman accountant, ended up in prison in recent days after the escalation of psychological and physical violence against his wife, a 42-year-old Algerian. Several times, the woman said […]

Court of Brescia

TV rights, Berlusconi goes ko: the trial will not be redone

Mediaset tax fraud – No to the request for revision of the final 4-year sentence of 2013: “Unacceptable, there is no new evidence”. Waiting for the ECHR

Ruby ter

“Silvio gave me a 1.7 million house”

Milan – The singer Cristina Ravot was at the “elegant dinners”. Defense: “Generosity at the stand”


Stellantis, first record balance: the Agnelli toast with 475 million

Accounts 2021 – The fourth world group beats expectations, in one year the profit has tripled to 13.4 billion

Milan, searches

Torzi, fake credits sold to Azimut, Bg and Intermonte

Azimut, Banca Generale and Intermonte Sim are the three credit institutions that have purchased bonds and financial instruments guaranteed by bad loans that various ASLs in southern Italy boasted from private healthcare companies. Bonds put on the market by the broker Gianluca Torzi, a financier already known in the news for being among the […]

The mobilization

Tim, workers on strike: “No to stew and redundancies”

Avoiding the stew, protecting assets, guaranteeing employment: these are the requests of Slc Cgil, Fistel Cisl and Uilcom Uil who took to the streets yesterday with hundreds of Tim’s workers on the day of the general strike staged in many Italian cities. For trade unions, membership was 70%. The mobilization – […]


Ricciardi, Big pharma and the missing rules

The potentially conflicting interests were there. There is no doubt that Professor Gualtiero known as Walter Ricciardi, professor at Cattolica, former head of the Higher Institute of Health and Italian representative to the WHO, now consultant to Minister Roberto Speranza, has held positions for companies producing vaccines and drugs from Menarini to Pfizer to Glaxo to Isba between […]

The “girgenti waters” case

“According to Miccichè (FI) and Scoma (Lega)”

The president of the Sicilian Regional Assembly, Gianfranco Miccichè, risks ending up on trial for illegal party funding. Silvio Berlusconi’s standard bearer on the island is among the 48 people on whom the request for indictment of the Agrigento Prosecutor’s Office hangs – with the added Salvatore Vella and the pool of substitutes composed of Antonella Pandolfi, Paola Vetro […]

Culture in the square

Florence, libraries and archives in agitation against the cuts. But the Municipality denies everything

They had begun to mobilize in the summer of 2021, against the choice of keeping them in layoffs for a long time after the reopening. They had given themselves a name and an organization, they had obtained assurances from the Municipality. Then, after those reassurances seemed to fade, they went into a state of agitation on December 6 and went on strike on February 8 – a rarity. […]


Pope Francis: “Peace is threatened by vested interests”

At the general audience that took place yesterday, Pope Francis did not hide his concern about how the crisis in Ukraine is evolving and launched the initiative of a fast for March 2, Ash Wednesday. “Despite the diplomatic efforts of the last few weeks – said Bergoglio – increasingly alarming scenarios are opening up. […]

Winds of War – Analysts from the other front

Russia acquits Putin: “Necessary choices”

Little dissent – The Vtsiom Institute indicates that 73% approved the intervention in the Donbass. But CNN replies: only 50% agree

Paola Pallottino – Author of “March 4, 1943”

“The infamous and that genius of Lucio”. The artist died 10 years ago

“It did not come out.” Thing? “That Lucio had sung Gesubambino at the Duse Theater, in December 1970”. Before Sanremo. They would have disqualified him. “But it was precisely those applause that convinced RCA to propose the song at the Festival. The beauty of the violin and the rest … “. Text written by you, dear Paola Pallottino. In Bologna, and not […]

Seen by colleagues

The briefs of “Ragno”, the escapes from dinners and Neapolitan songs on the highway

From Donatella Rettore to Ron, from Tosca to Barbarossa: “He was unique and unpredictable”

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