On newsstands on the Fatto Quotidiano of 11 March: What is there to laugh about? EU leaders cut off celebrate their failure

by time news

he folder

The war of missiles for control of the sky

Armaments as a gift to Ukraine. The Russian army is bombarding with long-range rockets and high-flying aircraft, but it still does not dominate the skies. The Ukrainians are also resisting thanks to the 2.5 billion from the US

Conflict in Ukraine – The setbacks

Bills and raw materials block businesses: production suspended

Unsustainable costs – The most affected are energy-intensive companies, but also restaurants. Now the construction sites of the NRP are at risk

The man of miracles

“The gen. Son asked for favors for his son ”. Investigate Bolzano

The case – The complaint to the Prosecutor’s Office: “They sent the scion regiment on a NATO mission to Latvia just to get him awards and career shots”

Culture and museums

Moscow wants his works: Italy’s own goal on art

On the afternoon of March 9, the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg asked to return all works of art on loan to exhibitions in hostile countries, “according to the decision of the Russian Ministry of Culture”. For Italy, the request involves a Titian exhibited at the Royal Palace and another 25 works at the Gallerie d’Italia in Milan (exhibition […]

5 star movement

Conte asks for an encore. The test for one of his lists in Sicily

The leader still frozen by a court is ready to undergo “a new bath of democracy”, that is, a new vote of the grassroots. “Subscribers will be able to express themselves to tell me if they still want me as president”, says Giuseppe Conte, while on the Skyvote platform the subscribers vote on the changes to his statute, necessary to […]


“I’m not the blonde of the massacres”. The suspect for three hours from the pm

He also investigates the weapons found in Alcamo in ’93

The book

It was our De Crescenzo. Luciano, engineer of humor

Philosophical coffee, shared women and trips to Capri to pick up …

The interview – Marco Bertolini

“Sending weapons favors escalation: we must negotiate”

General Marco Bertolini has an exceptional military career. Commander of the parà della Folgore, of the Col Moschin special department, of the Joint Forces Command for Special Forces Operations. From the height of this experience he retains a very clear vision of war also because, he says, “in these situations it is easy to fall into emotional analysis and one gets lost a little […]

The document

The nuclear plan is incomplete: there is a lack of money and implementation

Delay – Ok from the Unified Conference to the text on the emergency, stuck in 2010 The EU has foreseen this for 8 years. The Regions: “Clarity on funds, skills and iodine”


The non-profit organization “Ripartiamo”: no support for Salvini

Salvini’s mission in Poland in recent days continues to be discussed and the episode in which the mayor of Prezemysl, Wojciech Bakun, publicly humiliated the leader of the League by showing Putin’s shirt in front of the cameras and asking him to “distance himself” by the Russian president. Salvini relied on various associations in the […]

In the square

Read at the head of the “not equidistant”

Tomorrow in Florence – The pacifist demonstration that brings together the trade unions

Flop of the Ministry

Concorsone Pnrr, Brunetta admits: “I took the worst”

Come on Siori, come on. Minister Renato Brunetta is still on the hunt for experts to support the administrations of the South on the Pnrr: another 2,200 are needed because the competition called to quickly recruit 2,800 people capable of boosting funds and projects for the South was a disaster. One will be done in March […]

253 in favor, 117 no

End of life, first yes from the House: now the Senate stumbling block

The House said yes to the law on the end of life: and a few weeks ago it did not seem obvious at all. Yet yesterday the bill regulating medically assisted voluntary death passed by a good margin: 253 votes in favor, 117 against and one abstention. The first concrete step towards a law that would make it possible to ask […]


Infections + 30% compared to March 3. Gimbe: “In 7 days we will know if it’s a new wave”

Whether it is a simple “rebound” due to a general relaxation due to the announcement of the end of the emergency, to the backlash of the winter or to the more contagious Omicron BA.2 variant, we will know more or less in a week. For the moment – as certified also by the weekly report of the Gimbe Foundation – the only certain data is that […]

At the University of Sassari

They spied on Solinas data. Pm: “They must be acquitted”

The seven employees of the University of Sassari did not “spy” Christian Solinas. To say this in front of the investigating magistrate, on Wednesday, the Public Prosecutor of Cagliari who for all asked for the acquittal of the accusation of abusive access to the computer system for having consulted the data of the Sardinian governor, then a student. The letter sent to the prosecutor from […]

Rossetto also arrested

Raid on the Tav in Val Susa 13 precautionary measures

Prison, house arrest, signature obligations and residence bans. Thirteen precautionary measures, carried out by Digos, hit the presumed responsible for the riots that broke out in recent months in Val di Susa, in the setting of which damage was caused to the Tav di Chiomonte and San Didero sites. In the budget of the investigation, coordinated by the Turin Public Prosecutor’s Office, the […]

The motivations

Miccoli convicted, Cassation: ‘Mafia cultural attitudes’

A plurality of elements demonstrate Fabrizio Miccoli’s “sharing” with “the cultural attitudes of numerous subjects belonging to mafia crime”, reads the reasons for the 3 and a half year prison sentence for extortion aggravated by the mafia method for the former footballer . The judges of the Cassation cite the relations with Mauro Lauricella, son of […]


Plastics and chemistry act on the DNA and cause autism

Anticipation – A study on pollutants and births


Beech forests at risk in Europe. Their growth will decrease by 20-50%

Climate change is also a threat to European beech forests: their growth could decline by 20% to 50% over the next 70 years. This is indicated by the study published in the journal Communications Biology, led by the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz and to which the Italian universities of Turin and Pavia have collaborated.

And now?

Wheat, seed oil, fertilizers: war does damage even at the table

“The food crisis will be global”

After meeting with the company

Stellantis, the trade unions: “Future remains uncertain”

Despite expectations, the only novelty that emerged from yesterday’s meeting between Stellantis and the unions is that the production of the Panda in Pomigliano will be confirmed until 2026. But the meeting, absent the CEO Carlos Tavares, did not bring any indications on the future of the Italian factories. “Unsatisfactory” according to the CGIL, with Fiom asking for both a […]

Report of the Interior Ministry

“Castellammare, mayor wedding witness to the marriage of a Camorra family”

The mayor of Forza Italia Gaetano Cimmino, whose presence in the municipal council of Castellammare di Stabia (Naples) is “decades old” and was “in 2007 also deputy mayor”, was a “wedding witness at the wedding of one of the members of a local family mafia of which some members are entrusted with works and services by the […]

Judges and reform

“Revolving doors”, the unelected knot with political roles

The deadline for submitting the sub-amendments on the reform of the CSM and the judiciary to the Justice Commission was postponed to this morning at 10. But the discussion between the parties continued yesterday as well. There is a point of convergence between M5S and Forza Italia: the revolving doors between politics and the judiciary must be blocked […]

Tactics – “Disinformathy”

Mariupol’s dead trigger social media: fake news war

A war within a war, which has come to involve Serghey Lavrov and the Moscow embassies. The bombing of the Mariupol children’s hospital, a “war crime” for Volodymyr Zelensky, is a “staging” for Russian propaganda, which mobilized international diplomacy in support of his version and to try to dismantle Evgeniy’s shots Maloletka, […]

The agony of Kharkiv

Survive like rats among the subway cars

The turnstiles are always open and there is silence at the entrance to the Majdan Konstituciï metro station in the central government district of Kharkiv. The billboards color the walls along the endless escalator that reaches one of the many, new, small underground cities that have been springing up since February 24, that is, since the Russians attacked the city. […]

Bin Salman’s “renaissance”

Me, a rebel fleeing Saudi Arabia

Segregated – The 22-year-old that the whole world met in 2019 for escaping to freedom, tells what it means to grow up in a country where a woman’s fundamental rights are denied

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